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Anne stretched, grabbing one arm with her other and leaning back as she walked. She was going down to the lunchroom, she had agreed to meet them outside the cafeteria to discuss something, she didn’t know why she agreed though. I mean, it’s their fault she stabbed her leg and now it’s infected… And it’s their fault that she feels so sickly and that her mother doesn’t trust her and thinks her eating disorder is coming back… 

“But is it?” Anne turned around to see who said that “did we push you down that hill? Did we tell you not to go to the hospital, what about influencing your mom to think you’re sick again, did we do that?” Anne looked around but Sasha just kept moving around Anne until Anne heard a thwack then an “Ow!”, Anne turned and saw that Marcy was standing next to, kind of behind Sasha as Sasha rubbed the back of her head “that hurt Marcy”

“Sometimes you’re too childish,” Marcy said as they approached Anne “sorry about her, sometimes he’s a little annoying”

“‘SoMeTiMeS hE’s A lItTlE aNnOyInG’ shut up marce, I saved you from dying, and I’m like 20 years older than you,” Sasha said sticking her tongue out at Marcy

Marcy looked back at him “it’s 30, you died at age 16 yet you still have the education of a 10-year-old, and I was 18 when I died, you were 16, I don’t think afterlife age should count because we aren’t aging, we’re just not dead, but if you do, you’re a grandpa, 62-year-old man, meanwhile I’m only 30. You were turned in 1976, I was turned in 2010…

Sasha almost looked offended “oh, I’m sorry, you fricking math ma- mati- miti- math matish- ugh fricking math person”

Marcy looked at them and chuckled “mathematician, sweetheart, it’s not hard, and yes, I actually got master’s degrees in both math and psychology, so seeing as you didn’t even finish high school, I’d say that’d make me superior in both smarts and age”

Sasha was getting mad, but more of a silly frustrated mad “yeah- well I’m both more attractive and tall”

“While you may be more vertically gifted than I, that just means it takes more work for blood to get to your brain, which you so desperately need-” marcy cut themself off when sasha stuck his tongue out at them, marcy booped her tongue and giggled when sasha pulled his tongue back in and spit “ew, don’t touch people’s tongue” sasha looked grossed out and started tussling with marcy, they looked like puppies who were play fighting, sasha was obviously holding back as she could’ve won that fight in the first 2 seconds,

Anne just stood there, watching them argue like an old married couple. She cleared her throat to get their attention but they kept messing around, Anne sighed and whistled loudly with her fingers, they both looked at her Sasha standing straight like someone getting trained in the army.

Anne looked at him confused before saying “stop fighting, you two idiots..you’re the ones that invited me to meet with you at lunch” the two chuckled nervously, Anne sighed and grabbed both of their hands “let’s go, I want to get lunch and also ask you two a few questions before we talk about whatever you wanted to, you at least owe me that after trying to eat me the other day” the two looked at each other but then just went with her.

Anne dragged them down to the cafeteria. A few people looked at them but just went back to eating because this was a public school and a student dragging two other students through the cafeteria is definitely not the weirdest thing they’ve seen today. Anne pointed them to a table in the corner of the room next to the trash cans and told them that was where she sat and told them to go sit there. The two looked at each other kind of grossed out but Anne had already gone in line for food because it was nacho day and she didn’t want it to run out before she got some. Marcy and Sasha looked around and saw a table in the middle of the lunchroom where Maggie and two others were sitting. Marcy told Sasha about the fight they had with Maggie and they both agreed to steal the table from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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