we need to talk

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Anne sat in her class, watching seconds tick by, but she had nowhere to be so there was no need to be in such a rush. Anne happened to glance by the classroom door and saw Marcy and Sasha talking outside, they kept glancing and pointing at her as they talked, once she noticed them she just kept staring, the next time one of them glanced they noticed Anne watching them, Marcy smiled nervously and waved, meanwhile Sasha was doing the come over here motion and mouthing what seemed to be “get over here.” Anne looked at the teacher who was busy looking through the closet and then at the students who were either sleeping, half asleep, or staring at the bending down the teacher. Anne quickly and quietly got up and snuck to the door, she opened the door and as quietly as she could, she shut the door. She looked at them, annoyed for being bothered, relieved they got her out of class, and curious as to why they got her out of class.

“Anne, we need to talk, meet us right outside of the cafeteria at lunchtime, we can't talk here, too many listeners” Sasha nodded gently towards the classroom door where kids were staring at them. Anne didn’t think much of it, she noticed their eyes flash red but just thought she was seeing things. 

Anne looked back at Sasha and Marcy “why would a bunch of kids care what you have to say, just say it” 

Sasha sighed “we’ll talk later, just know we can’t talk here” Anne sighed “fine.. anything else? or did you want to talk to me to tell me you can’t talk to me”

 Sasha sighed “you’ll understand later… we’re trying to help you” 

Anne looked at her “since when did you care about me, a few days ago you tried to eat me, and you don’t seem like someone who’d just switch opinions so quickly…” 

Sasha groaned “we’ll talk later”

 Sasha grabbed Marcy's hand and disappeared into the air. Anne looked around, confused ‘did they just fucking teleport?!-’ Anne sighed and went back into the classroom, all the kids who were staring at them before watching her as she went back to her seat. she found it weird but just shrugged it off as kids being curious. luckily the teacher still hadn’t found what she was looking for in the closet and hadn’t even noticed that Anne had left her classroom at all. Anne looked down at her notes, which were just scribble from her slowly falling asleep. Anne erased her chicken-scratch notes and started drawing little sketches of whatever, she didn't even know what she was drawing until she looked down and noticed it was Sasha she drew, it was when he had tackled her, she didn’t know why she drew it but just chalked it up to just a random drawing that mixed with her thoughts, she turned the page in her notebook and started taking actual notes, now that the teacher was teaching again since she couldn’t find what she was looking for, though she kept making little scribbles of drawings on the side of her paper.

Sasha sighed as she sat at the top of the roof, his legs up to her chest and his chin resting on her knees as he stared off into the distance. Marcy approached her from behind and placed an arm on his shoulder, Sasha flinched and quickly looked up at Marcy with fear then looked back down, wiping her eyes with his sleeve and sniffling as she fixed his hair and  tried to make herself look normal “are you ok sash…”

Sasha shook his head “I saw him again…” 

Marcy sighed “Sergei?...” 

Sasha nodded and pulled her knees closer “yeah… I saw him at the park a few hours ago in the park with his grandkids..”  Marcy placed a hand on sasha's knee “why don’t you ever say hi, ask for forgiveness… it’d be nice for you to get some closure, you won’t feel so sad when you see him” 

Sasha looked at them, a few more tears streaming down her face “oh yeah, let me just go up to him and say ‘Hi, I’m your older sister who disappeared 30 years ago and I still look 16, I'm sorry for getting mad at you for being trans, turns out I'm genderfluid and queer’... he’ll think I'm crazy” 

Marcy laughed a bit “yeah... It’s stupid... But you could try, he might understand, wasn’t he super into mythology” 

Sasha sighed and buried her face into his knees “that was over 30 years, plus, if we tell him vampires exist, he’ll be in the same danger as Anne… I'm not trying to have the vampire council throw me into a lake of holy water for telling half the country about vampires” 

Marcy sighed, it was unusual to see Sasha this vulnerable, usually she had a wall to protect himself, which was usually confused for aggression, but her brother always had a way of destroying that wall, which allowed Marcy a few minutes to help Sasha cope with his trauma, Marcy could almost see it, every time the wall was rebuilt, it was a little weaker, there were cracks and chips in the bricks which allowed Marcy to get through to Sasha, to help her cope with the abuse and torment he faced, and all the guilt she has for agreeing with his parents when they wanted to throw her baby brother out of the house. 

“Marcy… you know how much I wanna see him... How I wanna apologize and hug him and make up for 30 years of lost time… don’t tease me by saying he might believe me” the wall is going back up… Marcy can hear the light hostility in Sasha's voice, but they don’t back away or get scared, cause they know Sasha is just grieving, the emotional connection with his brother had been broken in seconds, and it was too late, there was no way of ever getting it back, she was scared and emotional, and just wanted to hug his no longer baby brother


Sasha shook her head and stood up “no, I know what you’re doing, you want me to cry and spill out everything to you, cause then you get more information and you can use me” the wall was almost built, marcy only had seconds to calm sasha back down before they would have another freakout… last time this happened sasha went missing for 2 months and people went missing and were never found… 

“sasha..” marcy’s tone was gentle and calming, trying to seem as non threatening as possible yet still firm so that they didn't seem weak “why would I use you… I’m your friend, I owe a life debt to you that I can never repay, I would never do anything to put you in harm's way” marcy slowly approached sasha, who was trying to seem tough and scary, though still had tears streaming down his face, the wall started to crumble again, sasha trying any excuse to push marcy away from her so they wouldn’t get her too like everyone else he knew, but marcy wasn’t having any of it. Marcy slowly approached Sasha and grabbed her hands, lifting them and kissing them gently “I’m not going anywhere, whether you like it or not, i'm staying right by your side… because, Sasha… I love you…”
I have to go to school, i'll post tye promised 6th chapter after school cause im running late just to post this to you guys lol
Also, the cover should be don't in about a week and a half, I'm having it commissioned and as of right now it looks perfect with what they have done

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