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she\her pronouns for anne

she\he\it pronouns for sasha

they\them\it pronouns for marcy

Anne awoke slowly, as she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was the white tile ceiling. As she painstakingly turned her head, she noticed a nurse putting some medicine and a glass of water on the nightstand next to the bed she was laying in. Wait, why was she laying in a bed? “what happened…” she asked, her head felt like her brain was trying to kill her with how painful her headache was, she rubbed her head as the nurse helped her sit up and handed her the glass of water and medicine.

“You passed out dear in the hall dear, I’m not sure from what yet. Those two lovely ladies carried you in her” she pointed towards Sasha and Marcy, they grew uncomfortable when they heard the nurse call them ladies. They looked annoyed and bothered but also, maybe, genuinely concerned about Anne’s wellbeing?...

Anne sighed and removed the blanket that was over her legs, she rolled down her knee-high sock and unwrapped the gauze from her leg, it was infected. “Oh dear Andrew” Anne froze at the name, she hasn’t been called Andrew since before she came out 4 years ago “do your parents know about this, have they taken you to the doctors yet?”

Anne shook her head no, she didn’t correct her, she thought maybe it was just a slip-up, her parents slipped up a few times when she first came out, adults just have a bit of a hard time with new names. “I’m going to have to call your parent and let them know” Anne nodded as the nurse stepped away to the phone “hello, this is Mrs. kusuri, the st. James middle school nurse, this is for either Mr or Mrs. Boonchuy, I’m leaving this message to inform you about your son, Andrew.” Anne looked up at the nurse, an indescribable look of fear and frustration and anxiety and every look imaginable plastered on her face “he passed out earlier today, he was out for about 3 hours, once he came to he showed me a large, definitely infected, injury on his leg. If possible please call when you are available to pick him up and I suggest you bring him to urgent care for antibiotics since I’m only a nurse and cannot give anything to your son without your permission” 

Anne had a look of hurt all over her face, Anne waited for the nurse t get off the phone “Uhm… ma’am.. My name is Anne boonchuy, not Andrew”  she said, trying to correct the nurse “and I’m a girl”

The nurse shook her head “my charts say you’re male and named Andrew, so that’s what I’m calling you” Anne sunk in her seat. Sasha got up from the chair she was sitting in and approached the nurse. He pointed at Anne, she had a look of fury, as if someone had just kicked his puppy, but she was even angrier than that,  “HER name is ANNE. SHE is a GIRL. SHE uses SHE HER. you WILL respect HER pronouns, you WILL respect HER name. Do you understand” the nurse looked at him “ms. Waybright, I suggest you sit down and stop yelling at faculty before I call your mother. Andrew is registered as a boy and was born as a boy so I will refer to him as a boy.” Sasha growled, she looked at Marcy, they nodded and went and closed and locked the door. Sasha looked back at the nurse, his ears grew longer and pointy, her eyes glowed red and as he opened her mouth to talk, his top canines grew long and sharp.
(Might've vented a bit in this chapter lol)

The nurse’s eyes grew wide with surprise “w-what are you?” Sasha snapped at her and the nurse screamed, she was so terrified that she fainted. Sasha sighed and fixed her hair as his ears shrunk and rounded out, her eyes turned blue again and his canines went back to normal.

Sasha turned and looked at Anne “I didn’t do that for you, I just don’t want bigots running around thinking they can be so ignorant like that” Sasha said as she raided the nurse’s cabinets. He opened a drawer and grabbed a few things out of it, she went over to Anne and handed her some bandages, disinfectants, and medicine “fix yourself up… let’s go, Marcy.” Anne looked down for a second before saying “wait…” sash stopped in the doorway and looked back at her “yeah?” Anne looked down “what are you…” Sasha smirked, “isn’t it obvious?...” his canines are long and sharp and her eyes flashed red for a moment,  “we’re vampires…” Anne’s eyes widened in disbelief, but before Anne could ask any more questions Sasha was gone

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