Two years later."Order ready for table 4!" I announce to the wait staff.
I look down at the dish, and give the rim of the plate one last wipe before handing it off to a waitress.
"Yes chef," replies Jyn. She dutifully takes the sauced scallops with risotto and whisks it out of the kitchen door.
The dinner rush has finally started to slow, and I get a few moments to breathe. I walk down the line, checking in with my sous chef and the other staff, taking note of what ingredients we're running low on and mentally making a grocery list for next week's order.
It's been almost a full year since I opened Chandrila, and business is good.
After a slow start, we've been booked for the last few months straight. I don't miss being a personal assistant, but feel very lucky that during that time I made A-list contacts who love fine dining. They helped get the word out about a new up and coming chef, made sure my little bistro wasn't lost in Manhattan's over saturated food industry.
I hear the bell chime on the door, and tell my staff that I'll seat the next guests. People like meeting the executive chef, and I like checking in on the front of house to make sure everything is running smoothly on the floor.
I wind my way through the dimly lit restaurant, do a quick sweep of the seated tables to make sure all is well.
And when I finally spot the latest guests, my stomach lurches.
Kylo Ren is pulling out a chair for a gorgeously dressed woman, they're sitting in a cozy corner by candlelight.
I turn on my heels and walk straight back to the kitchen.
I do not have time for this man's games tonight.
Sending out the hostess to greet them, I busy myself with work on the line. From the kitchen window I can see them, and I tell myself not to spy but I do anyway.
They're sitting close to each other, he's facing the door and she's angled so that I can see her clearly in the candles' glow. She's breathtaking. Long brown hair, a deep cut dress, vampy eyelashes, classic Hollywood look. Just his type.
And then I catch a glimpse of sparkle as she adjusts her hair.
One dainty gold bracelet on each wrist. He loves to brand his submissives with those subliminal handcuffs.
I let out a huff.
"You good, chef?" asks Mace.
"Yeah yeah, I'm good. Just too busy back here to deal with the front. I need to finish up in my office, can you handle the line?"
"Of course," replies my sous.
I send out some emails to food distributors with our needed ingredients, work on some paperwork for the next few hours until I hear the kitchen start to clean up for the night. I join them for staff dinner and a glass of wine as we bring the evening to a close.
"Fantastic work tonight, everyone. Let's get these prep stations cleared and then go home. Help yourselves to another glass of red, you've earned it."
The last year has been so fulfilling, watching my dream restaurant blossom and knowing my staff truly enjoys working here. I think back to how much I hated working at Maz's, or how out of place I felt being an assistant, and feel pride knowing these people love being here just as much as I do.
After the kitchen and dining room are ready for tomorrow, I send everyone home. Builds morale when I'm the last one to leave every night.
I do a quick outfit change in my office, taking off my messy apron and tossing it in a laundry basket. I throw on a new dress, my jewelry, and fix my hair and makeup in the mirror.
Much better, I think. It was an especially busy night, and thank god I didn't have to greet Kylo's new plaything while in my semi-frazzled dinner-rush state.
I lock up Chandrila, and hail a taxi outside.
As I turn the key to my apartment door, I can hear a feminine voice on the other side.
When I step into the penthouse, Kylo greets me.
"Ah, Mrs. Ren. Welcome home. I have a gift for you."
I give my husband a kiss, and we share a moment in the entryway. He tastes like whiskey, and his hands roam up and down my frame.
"Kylo, what the hell? You brought a girl to the restaurant without warning me?? I could have used a heads up first, at least to fix my makeup or something!" I playfully hit his arm while quietly scolding him.
"You look amazing and did earlier too," he says while kissing my neck. "And I caught you spying from the kitchen, I could see the way you were admiring our new mouse."
"She's a very pretty gift, thank you," I acquiesce.
We walk to the living room together hand in hand, his thumb absentmindedly caressing one of my diamond bracelets. We take our seats on the couch, positioning ourselves on either side of her.
I roll us a joint, we smoke while getting to know each other a bit better. I've been so busy with the restaurant that I haven't had time to meet Qi'ra in person until now. She's eager to please, and I can't tell if she's more into me or Kylo. Perfection.
Hands start roaming, mouths start finding different body parts, and then Kylo gives me the knowing look.
I pull myself away from Qi'ra, and take the lead. I haven't been a mouse for some time.
"Ground rules first," I tell her. "I have very specific taste, I know what I want and how to achieve it."
She bats her long eyelashes at me in quiet wonder and I can tell she's already hooked.
"You must consent before we continue."

Craving: A Kylo Ren Tale
FanfictionHe's a famous New York City artist, and his temper makes it impossible to keep a personal assistant or chef in the house. Will a streetwise girl finally be the one to tame the dark man?