I'm absolutely fuming as I get in the car, skin prickling with the heat of annoyance. Despite the bitter chill in the air, I rip the coat and scarf off my body as soon as I slam the door closed.
"I see you met Pryde," says Vic in an apologetic tone.
"Yeah and to top it off, Snoke was there as well," I huff.
"Oh god, a two for one. I'm so sorry for whatever they said to you. Don't let them under your skin, those guys are evil if you ask me."
Vic laughs as I vent some un-ladylike expletives, and soon I'm laughing too. No use getting upset over some stiff old dudes. Stay focused.
Eventually my attention turns to the leather portfolio in my hands. Curiosity overcomes me and I decide to investigate the contents.
The front is neatly labeled: "Balance Series". I open to find a stack of black and white photographs of nature. The closer I look, the more the title makes sense. He's blended images together to create harmony between two opposing ideas.
A swaddled baby atop a freshly dug grave. A bright sun casting dark ominous shadows. A dry desert with glittering falling snow. Plants growing from decay under the earth. Young lions next to a bloody carcass. A singular sapling in a forest destroyed by wildfire. The perfectly even horizon of water meeting sky.
Once again I'm speechless. But I am left wondering how such a dark man can find balance in everything except himself. I've yet to see the light in Kylo, aside from his tender aftercare last night. It has been the only evidence letting me know it's possible, that there is some part of him that's capable.
When I realize how close we are to our building, I quickly reorganize the photographs and place them back in the portfolio with care.
The apartment is sparkling clean when I get upstairs, and still no sign of Kylo so I send a text letting him know I'm preparing dinner. No reply, but at least this time he reads what I've sent.
I have a chill down to my bones and I'm in the mood for warm comfort food. I start by creating and kneading a dough, and then leave it to rest until it doubles in size.
As the gluten is working its magic, I pull out my journal to jot down some thoughts while sitting in front of the fireplace. The sparks spring to life at the click of a button, the glow of the flames sending flickers of light across the room.
Eventually I resume cooking. First a simple sauce of rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, chili garlic paste, and soy sauce. A hearty filling made of ground pork, chives, and spices.
Soon I'm forming the plump dumplings by hand, filling and then pleating until closed. Cabbage is placed in the bottom of each bamboo steamer tray, dumplings neatly arranged inside, and then it's all put over boiling water to steam.
Kylo finally slinks into the kitchen as dinner is finishing. It's a late meal, I've been running behind all day.
"Steamed dumplings, if you're interested," I inform him while cleaning my work station.
It's the first time we've seen each other since last night. As my eyes meet his, I have sudden flashbacks: When I crawled across the apartment. When he marked my body with bruises. When he fucked me until I could barely stand. When he cleaned his cum from my dripping cunt.
Christ. The memories send electric shockwaves through my torso, I can feel my heart beating between my thighs. I do my best to outwardly remain as neutral as possible even though my insides are squirming.
I make us both a plate and pass him a set of chopsticks. As we eat I can't help but watch his large hands gracefully work the small pieces of wood, or his strong jaw chewing the food I've prepared. My eyes loiter on his full lips as he licks the excess sauce that lingers.

Craving: A Kylo Ren Tale
FanfictionHe's a famous New York City artist, and his temper makes it impossible to keep a personal assistant or chef in the house. Will a streetwise girl finally be the one to tame the dark man?