| Chapter 15: Avengers |

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The train came to a stop and you had a sad smile. Walking out of the train as your feet came in contact with the ground. Looking around to see everyone reuniting with their parents. It made you miss your Dad more then you should.

"Y/n!" You looked up to Harry who was with Hermione and Ron. You walked up to them smiling.

"I'm gonna miss you guys" You said hugging Hermione.

"Me too" Hermione hugged you back. You both pulled away as you hugged Ron who hugged back.

"Lets write letters to each other" Ron suggested

"Good idea" You agreed as he pulled away from you.

"Do you wanna spend the last weeks of summer at the burrow?" Ron asked

"That would he great!" Harry agreed to this plan

"Well see you then?" Hermione asked holding onto her trolley, smiling at the three of you "Yeah, see you then" Harry said smiling. The four of you bid each other your last goodbyes until you see each other at the last weeks of summer. Looking around one last time at the platform.

Walking through the same wall, you came through for the first time. You were met with King Cross Station and Happy who was standing there looking very awkward.

"Happy!" You beamed earning his attention.

"Y/n" He smiled as you runned to him, hugging him as he hugged you back "Good to see you, Kid. I miss you" Happy said whispering to your ear as you giggle "I miss you too, Happy" You stated backing up.

"Harry" Happy nods to the boy who appeared behind you

"Hi, Happy" Smiled Harry.

"Well, we better get home then. Your Dad is waiting" Happy said as you and Harry pushed your trolleys following Happy out of King Cross Station.


"Why aren't we at the mansion?" You asked confused seeing you weren't in Malibu but New York. Happy just kept driving.

"Well remember that villain? The mansion got destroyed—" You cut Happy off

"Your telling me. We are gonna live in the company!?" You asked in confusion and shock

"What's wrong with that?" Harry asked looking at you confused "Well for one, Harry, I have never been in the company. Never got to go out of the mansion my whole entire life" You said clicking your tongue and taking this opportunity to the limits.

"Oh and I forgot to mention—" Happy stopped the car and you and Harry walked out confused looking up at the tall building

"Its the Avengers Headquarters now" Happy said earning both of you and Harry to look at each other confused

"Avengers as in Avenge?" You asked

"What is an Avenger?" Harry asked

Happy looked at the two of you "Didn't you watch the news?" Happy asked more confused that both of you don't know anything about the Avengers

"The wizarding world is old fashioned. No technology whatsoever" You shrugged.

"So what's an Avenger?" You asked. Some of the staff already taking the luggage out of the car.

"Take them to the main room" Happy instructed as the staff nodded walking off.

"Superheroes. Nick Fury created them while you were at school. Some alien and god came and attacked New York" Happy explained in the shortest way possible. The three of you walking into the building.

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