| Chapter 112: I Hate School |

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The four of you apparated at Hogsmeade and it look deserted. Snow on the floor  and it was very quiet for your liking. It was a very unlucky day because then cat's meowing can be heard as lights from stores and houses opened up. It seemed to be an alarm.

"We're screwed" You hissed grabbing Harry by the wrist and dragging him somewhere to hide. Ron and Hermione also followed along hiding before anyone could see them or catch them. The four of you are hiding behind a counter. Being very very quiet and still. This wasn't the time to get caught after the last time when all of you were running in the woods while being chase from people working in the Ministry but instead of being all of you to the Ministry. They brought you all to the Malfoy Manor.

All of you can hear wizards, walking out of the houses as they scattered around Hogsmeade to look for the four of you. You slowly wore the glasses that were the same models as your Dad. As Friday shows you what was happening from above using Stark Satellite. You looked at Harry and showed him a peace sign. Signaling that there were two wizards by the place all of you were hiding at.

You press your index to your lips gesturing to them to not make a sound. You head flaps knowing they were checking under the tables, you felt the get closer and closer until the cat started to meow again as they runned off to the sound.

Once the footsteps were gone then you stood up followed by the rest then the four of you started to run off to the alleyway to hide. Hermione runned to the gate but it was locked.

"In here, Potters!" A voice hissed making you and Harry looked to the side. And there was a person peeking out looking a lot like— Dumbledore? Harry was the first to walk up the door, walking in and run down the flight of stairs. Looking at Hermione and Ron, you followed Harry as the other two trailed behind you.

"Did you two get a look at him?" Ron asked you and Hermione who looked around and stayed while Harry walked off to look around

"I know...Dumbledore" Hermione said but then you heard Friday speak from the earpiece

"Miss Stark, I am getting the same signal from Cairo again" Friday spoke up as you turned around and pressed on the side of the glasses as you saw the red dot, right there at Cairo

"Friday, can you trace where Stark Tech was last been?" You asked in a hushed voice

"Its seems to be that the silver bracelets last location was at Norway" Friday showed you the last location making you raise a brow

"Wait what? Silver bracelets–" You were cut off

"Bloody fools, what were you thinking coming here?" The four of you looked at someone who really resembled Dumbledore.

"Have you any idea how dangerous it is" He asked raising his boys

"I do but they don't listen to me because my plans don't work" You glared at Harry and Ron who both didn't dare meet your eyes

"Your Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother" Harry said pointing to the man who resembled Albus Dumbledore, the former headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"It's you who I've been seeing in here" Harry said referring to the piece of a mirror that was in his hands.

"You're the one who sent Dobby" Harry stated

"Where have you left him?" Aberforth asked walking up to the window while looking back at Harry who didn't know what to answer.

"He's seriously injured and in the meantime recovering" You stepped in. Aberforth looked at you

"I rest assure that you would make him feel better after all your are a Stark" Aberforth gave you a nod making you smile softly. Even your name as a Stark is spreading in the wizarding world.

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