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She's here

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She's here.

And she's perfect.

Seriously, I haven't even had to sneak away for two seconds to write this letter because she's sleeping so peacefully in her crib.

I'm sure that will change when she grows up and starts crawling and shit but that's ages away yet.

Where do I start, I feel like a completely different person since the last time I wrote to you.

She looks exactly like you Kian god damit.

She could'a had all this but nope, bright red hair and blue eyes, although Abi tells me they all start out that way and change overtime.

Hopefully not though, she won't gain anything from having shit brown eyes like myself.

Either way, she's already gorgeous.

And I'm saying that with my full chest.

I've always thought new borns were the ugliest little creatures and their mothers were pathetic for thinking anything else.

But just look at the photo and see for yourself.

Her chubby rosy cheeks prove that she didn't inherit my Italian complexion. Is there anything she did get from me? I guess i'll just have to wait even longer to find out.

Her hair is crazy full and her pouty lips and upturned button nose simply make her the prettiest baby in existence.

I suppose you'd be curious about how the delivery went and let me tell you this, it was an utter shit show. 

From Friday night to Sunday morning it felt like I was trying to fit an elephant through a pringles tube.

I can't tell you much more than that because the entire time I was doped up on gas and air.

Whatever you're picturing in your head is probably correct.

A whole bunch or curse words, swinging at doctors and nurses and in the process, disconnecting the many wires I was hooked up to.

Honestly, be glad you weren't there. I'm sure you'd have two matching black eyes and one crushed hand.

It was seven fifty five in the morning when I first heard her cries.

I was in absolute bits.

She was crying, I was crying, Abi was crying.

But in that moment I loved her more than I've ever loved anyone.

We were released from hospital the next day and Abi helped us home which leads me to now.

I'm sitting here waiting for the sleepless nights and the endless stress mothers rant about.

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