prepared Summary

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I got an update recently. Don't actually know what the update is, I don't usually look for updates when they're done. I did notice that now I have a big ass, butt (Sundrop would've laughed at that,) that's all I really paid attention to.

Alongside the update was a new member of the pizzaplex staff. Antonio. His nickname was just Toni. He was a weird guy. Tried to touch me all the time. He touched my waist once. That made me get all tingly between my legs.

Toni is Hispanic. He has curly, long black hair, usually in a bun, and gold diamond earrings. He wears a cross necklace, and he's kinda chubby. Talks with a soft accent, and his voice is deep and excited. Oh god, thinking about him gives me that tingly feeling again. he's got a small mustache and a goatee beard, and big, warm hands. Scars on those hands. Don't know where they came from. Oh his hands, so large and tough, leathery almost. Tingles. There they are again. They came after the update too, now that I think about it.

He has these thick eyebrows, and a piercing scar on his left eyebrow tip. Doesn't wear a lot of jewelry. Alongside those earrings, there's a cross necklace.
He's... Antonio's... He's handsome.

Toni is only half of the problem. Sundrop and Monty started dating. Sundrop is very social and loves to be touched. Often is making out with Monty when the kids are gone. Now Sundrop, he's very vocal about his love for Monty. If I loved someone, it'd be a secret. He also got an upgrade. Sundrop has more curves than me, but he got a chest, so kids could sleep on him better. His boobs make him look very attractive, to be honest. Monty likes them, Sundrop likes how they make him feel, and over-all he enjoys his update.

That's beside the point. Sundrop is lovey-dovey, I am not. Toni is obnoxious and makes me feel weird. If this is what being in love feels like, I hate it.

I don't want to be in love.

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