Talking to Toni

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These tingly feelings I get, they came after the update. Only occured between my thighs, and only when certain sounds, words, and actions are taken. Toni causes these tingles. All the time. So now I just stay in my room all the time, away from what caused them.
Me and Sundrop share a room. We are twins, after all. We share a bed, however, because we do not sustain body heat. We get cold at night.

I was in our room, counting how many entry passes we had left from other kids. There was 43. Sundrop walked in for a minute, immediately opening a drawer.

"What're you looking for," I ask him. I tended to keep track of what we had in the room.
"One of our regulars is missing her favorite bracelet. It's cotton candy-"
"Orange drawer, underneath the pink frog plush."
Hah! I love knowing where everything is.
Sundrop grabs the bracelet, toddling out. Toni was outside of the room, cleaning the floor. He waved at me, smiling. He had such a special smile.

"How're you doin' today, Moonshine?~" I scoff.
"Don't even with the pet names, bastard." He chuckles, walking into the room. I didn't say he could do that.
"Your room's nice," he says to me.
"Thanks, I spent yesterday stress cleaning."

That was a thing I did, stress cleaning. Whenever I was "pent up," Monty called it, I'd clean. It helped get angry thoughts out of my head, and Toni counts as an angry thought. But he... Never went away.

"Who cleans to feel better? I hate cleaning. I do it for the green, cha-ching!" He seemed pretty laid back. That was until he said my name. Didn't sound very... Laid back.

"Listen, Moondrop. Vanessa wants me to keep an eye on you. She says your update makes you act funny." More about the damn update.
"No you listen, nothing is wrong with me. The update gave me an ass, that's it. Sundrop has tiddies and he's doing fine! Go bother him then, if I'm weird then so is he!" I argued.

"He is acting weird. Him and Monty aren't just intimate. They're sexual. Caught Monty absolutely BREEDING Your brother last Wednesday in the staff only room."

Ok so here's what's wrong with this statement.
1. Damn, Sundrop seemed like more of a gentleman than that,
2. How is this my problem, he's not me,

I told him this and he CACKLED. How is this funny?

"We just gotta keep in touch more, talk. It'll be good for ya' too!" He nudged my arm. He touched me.

Normally that'd be gross. I hate touch.

Not this time.

This time something felt tingly.

Way tinglier than usual.

Surface Of The Moon (Moondrop × Oc)//(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now