Something Else to Play With

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My fingers weren't as fun anymore. They'd get tired quickly, and sometimes the slit would tighten and I'd get my fingers stuck. They also just didn't feel pleasing anymore. Like they were just too short to get those good spots.

I was doomed. No fun thing, oh lord. I can't do it all the time the-

I had the perfect idea...

Antonio often left us with a screwdriver, to make sure we don't break a bed and are unable to fix it. By break a bed I mean Sundrop is stupid and can't lay on the bed normally, he has to throw himself on it.
Anyway, this screwdriver has a shape that I think would work perfectly like my fingers, but here's the good part, its bigger, and it has the metal part as a shift almost, so my hands don't get dirty, AND it can go deeper than my fingers because its longer.

So here I was looking for the screwdriver. It had to be here somewhere-

"Morning Moondrop, what's got you all buzzing around?" Oh fuck. Antonio's here.
"That screwdriver you give us, where is it? One of the drawers is loose and I can't find it," I lied. Felt kinda good to lie that well.
"Hm? Oh geez, I gave it to Freddy on Monday. Let me go get it for ya'!" He pats my hand and leaves the room.
I couldn't help but hold my hand to my face. He... He touched my hand.

God I wish he touched me more...~

He comes back a few minutes later with the screwdriver. I felt those tingles and an almost wet feeling. Oh goody goody...~

"You mind if I hang out with you after your shif-"

"FUCK." I covered my mouth. Did I just blurt that out?

I looked at him apologetically.
"That wasn't at you, sorry. Just remembered I have a shift. Of co-"
I swallowed. Both of us, alone in a room. Sounds like a fantasy.
"I don't mind." I put on a smile. He pulled me into a gentle kiss on the cheek.

A gentle what?

"Oh, I gotta leave for a minute, gotta help Vanessa with something. I'll be back after your shift." He explains to me, closing the door.

As soon as he left I locked the door, tore my clothes off and grabbed the screwdriver. It felt like I needed it.

Surface Of The Moon (Moondrop × Oc)//(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now