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It was an odd party that rode north from King's Landing. There was Ned, of course; or rather Lord Eddard Stark, who led the Northern armies home. Robarra rode at his side, not as his friend or companion but as his wife. It was a distinction she was still getting used to, mainly because things didn't feel that different at all. Yes, they shared a tent and bedroll at night. Yes, they exchanged far more casual touches than before, without concerning themselves with what others might think. But the dynamic between them was the same as it had ever been, teasing and comfortable. 

It was a strong friendship that bound them together instead of a great romance, but Robarra preferred things this way. Despite the fact she had previously been married to a prince - the would-be king, one of the most handsome men in Westeros, the archetype of every love ballad - she was far happier now than she had ever been. 

The air grew colder and more crisp the further they travelled up the Kingsroad, and it smelled like freedom.

Lyanna often rode with them, baby Jon strapped to her front. When she wasn't carrying the baby, the girl often went tearing off on her horse, racing many of the younger guards and always winning too. Robarra was reminded how young Lyanna really was, of how twisted Rhaegar's nonsense had been, how it was a wonder the girl could still smile after the deaths of her father and brother, and months of what was essentially rape. Then she told herself off for being old, morose and boring, and kicked her own horse into a gallop to join in.

Robarra's own daughters tended to ride with various members of the Baratheon and Targaryen guards that were travelling with them. Ser Arthur and Ser Oswell of the Kingsguard were travelling north as well, upholding their oath to keep Rhaegar's children - all his children, not just his trueborn daughters - safe. Of course, it was no coincidence that by remaining in the Kingsguard they would not be sent to the Wall with Jaime Lannister. She couldn't blame them, and was rather glad for their company besides; Ser Arthur was a very pretty face, and Ser Oswell's dark wit had her in stitches of laughter. If Ned had been another man, he might have grown irate with how well she got on with other men. But as it was, she doubted the thought even crossed his mind.

The presence of the two Kingsguard seemed to put Rhaella more at ease, at least. Whilst dowager queen did not appear to be mourning her husband at all, she was grieving heavily for her son, and was definitely distant towards Ned, the man who killed him. Even Rhaella seemed to understand the stupidity and pointless cruelty of Rhaegar's actions in the end, however, for there didn't seem to be any anger against those who fought against him, only sadness that her firstborn was lost so tragically. 

Viserys, on the other hand, was angry. The boy rode at his mother's side, clinging to her one minute, glaring and insulting any Northmen that dared to approach the next. He spat hate and vitriol at Ned whenever the man even glanced at him, a dislike that extended to Robarra. Whilst her temper flared hot at an eight year old calling her a 'whore who married the brute that killed her husband' (she had laughed derisively in Viserys' face and said he didn't even know what the word whore meant), later on she had to acknowledge that of course it would be awful for any young boy to be torn away from his home, his father and brother dead. 

That didn't make him any easier to deal with, and Robarra had (in an unusual display of tact) taken to avoiding him as much as possible lest she lose her temper with him and upset Rhaella. Hopefully Viserys would become less hateful as he grew older.

At least he was very protective of little Daenerys. The baby was not much younger than Jon Snow, and spent her days strapped to Rhaella's front. They had at least three nursemaids with them from King's Landing, as unlike her bastard nephew, the little princess was small and fragile and desperately needed to put on weight. The birth had been hard on the girl's mother too, though Rhaella never put up any protest at the weeks of riding.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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