Most of the Seven Kingdoms was at war, the likes of which had not been seen since the Dance of the Dragons.
Dorne stayed neutral, seeing as they had no stake in the rebellion, though clearly saw the way the tide was turning else they would have fought for the king. When the prince's own goodbrother rose against him, it was rather telling of his character.
Tywin Lannister too was neutral, staying under Casterly Rock, neither reaching out to fight for his old friend Aerys nor joining the rebels. No doubt because his son Jaime was a glorified hostage of the king's. It had taken Robarra some time to realise that the young knight had not been offered a position in the Kingsguard for his incredible swordsmanship, but now it was becoming increasingly obvious that Aerys just wished to spite Tywin.
With Stannis still stuck defending the borders of the Stormlands from half of Mace Tyrell's force, the Targaryen forces and the rest of the Reachmen were the only ones to stand in the way of the Stark-Arryn-Tully alliance bearing down from the north. All word from the front suggested a great battle in the Riverlands that would decide the course of the war.
Robarra spent several days pacing in restless frustration, wishing she was there herself to see what was happening. It was maddening, just waiting here without news. To the south, her brother battled to keep invaders from their lands. To the north, her best friend and foster father faced against her husband. She knew who she hoped would win; no doubt it made her a poor wife, but she cared little.
The first news they got was not of the Trident, however, though it may have predetermined its outcome. Aerys had practically screamed in fury when he was informed how Stannis had routed the Tyrell forces blocking him at Ashford, taking their commander - the famously skilled general Lord Randyll Tarly - hostage, along with many other prominent Reachlords. Stannis was now marching his troops at a punishing pace to attack the loyalist forces from behind.
Whilst the king screamed for forces they did not have and could not afford to spare to march after Stannis before he reached the Trident, Robarra had to remove herself from the hall to stop herself roaring with laughter. Stannis! He beat them. Who would've thought her sullen little brother had such a talented military mind.
She resolved to buy him a keg of ale when they next met. Or arrange him a marriage with a pretty bride.
As it turned out, it was a decisive victory for the rebels on the Trident. Robarra practically shook the messenger for word of what happened, who had lived, who had died. The details were rather murky, as these things tended to be, but all could agree that Stannis had smashed through the loyalist army from the south, whilst Stark, Arryn and Tully fell upon them from the north.
The battle had still raged a long while, given the scale of the Tyrell forces and the loyalist's superior position, but when Rhaegar had fallen, his armies had lost spirit and been relatively easily defeated.
Robarra felt some sadness - well, more like heaviness - at the death of her husband. She would have been a monster not to be. She had never liked Rhaegar overmuch, and had wanted to tear his head from her shoulders himself in the last months, but he was the father of her daughters if nothing else.
"Who killed him, in the end?" She inquired, morbidly curious, when none of the Targaryens spoke.
Rhaella had begun to weep silently. Prince Viserys started to cry as well, burying his face in his mother's skirts. Even Aerys had gone uncharacteristically quiet.
"That is uncertain, my lady," The messenger had clearly expected to find her more distraught to be a widow. Perhaps she should be, but Robarra had never been good at acting, and the wretch had abandoned her, shamed her family and kidnapped her friend's sister after all. "I had it that the prince had fallen from his horse, losing his helm. Or that he was already wounded at the hands of a common soldier. Whatever the circumstances, the second Stark son made the killing blow,"

How The Storm Queen Laughed | Female Robert Baratheon | GOT/ASOIAF
FanfictionFemale Robert Baratheon * Robarra was dauntless, a force of nature, the centre of any room she was in even at sixteen. She had a talent for making friends, despite her hot temper, which flared up fast and fierce but was forgotten just as quickly. Sh...