The Dragon's Kiss - Chapter 1 - ONE: The Mission

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The first time she saw him, he was surrounded by flames. The bleeding sky cast a red glow around his silhouette as the sun sank below the horizon. She couldn’t clearly see his eyes, but his gaze burned every part of her skin it lingered on.

As his blazing aura threatened to reduce her to ashes, stories from her childhood of terrifying beasts flashed through her mind. Surely if those legendary beasts ever had existed, he would be one of them—one of the dragons.



Kel heard the old man’s voice in her mind as she pulled her bow string up to her nose. She closed her eyes as a familiar prickling sensation began in her chest. She silently urged the sensation down her arm toward her finger that held the arrow firmly against her bow.

Hold it.. The man’s voice once again entered her mind.

I’m trying. Kel grunted internally, scrunching her eyes while the uncomfortable sensation swirled around her finger. She breathed out slowly, counting the seconds.


Her eyes shot open as the bow string snapped and the arrow flew toward the old stump in front of her. Flames eagerly engulfed the dead wood as soon as the arrow hit its mark.

“You’re getting better.” Kel flinched at the unexpected voice. She whirled around to face her friend.

“I didn’t realize anyone was here,” she muttered, glancing sheepishly at the flaming stump.

“You’re lucky it was me,” Dash smirked, grabbing the bucket of water next to her and splashing the fire, “Be more careful next time, yeah?”

“What’s the big deal anyway?” Kel pouted, taking the singed arrow Dash held out to her.

“Maybe the fact that you can create fire using your mind?” he scoffed, reaching out to tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear. “Speaking of secrets, you should probably be better at keeping this hair of yours out of sight as well.”

Kel playfully knocked his hand away.

“Enough with your nagging!”

The pair exchanged a few light-hearted jabs before Dash stopped suddenly, dropping his gaze to the ground.

“It’s really happening today, isn’t it?” he said quietly.

As soldiers under the Mevani King, they were both used to dangerous missions and long stretches of time spent away from home. Their task this time, however, was riskier than usual. Regardless of success or failure, the chances of them meeting again safely in their home country were slim. Even if they did meet again, it wouldn’t be for years.

“What are you pouting for?” Kel tried to force a laugh, “You’ll be by my side for a while longer, right?”

“I just wish…” Dash’s voice trailed off, and he shook his head. He suddenly threw his arm around Kel’s shoulders, using his other hand to rub his fist against her head.

“I guess I’m the one who will face the most danger trying to protect you, your highness” he smirked sarcastically, grinding his knuckles deeper into her forehead.

“Were you about to say you wish it was the real princess instead?” Kel teased, tugging Dash’s ruthless fist away. Most of the palace guards were hopelessly smitten with the princess, and Kel enjoyed poking fun at Dash about it.

The two of them had grown up together, training under Dash’s uncle to become palace guards. Dash had family connections, but Kel, a peasant and orphan, was only lucky enough to get taken in by the palace thanks to her identical hair color to the princess and unique fire ability.

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