The Dragon's Kiss - Chapter 48 - FORTY EIGHT: Who Dares

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“This isn’t…” Kel trailed off, scanning the increasingly grandiose décor lining the wide hallway Thane was leading her through.

She’d expected to be taken to the emperor’s study, their usual meeting place, but there was no dingy dim corridor in sight.

“We’re going to the throne room,” Thane explained, pointing to a pair of massive double doors at the end of the hall.

Kel had never set foot in the Serin throne room before. Even during her escapades around the palace, she’d been careful to avoid it.

She knew from past experience that the ruler’s throne room was a grand solemn space, reserved for trials and councils. It certainly wasn’t a place for the hostage princess of an enemy kingdom to tour as she pleased.

Their silent march down the hall was soon interrupted by the sound of thudding, loudly approaching from behind.

Kel glanced over her shoulder and saw Lucy, her skirt hiked nearly to her knees, thundering toward them.

“Stop!” the maid called, jumping in front of Thane. The knight attempted to ignore her and go around, but she shuffled back and forth with her arms spread widely, continually blocking his path.

Finally, Thane reluctantly took a step back. “What are you doing, Miss Lucille?”

“You can’t.. take the princess.. in there like that!” Lucy panted.

“Miss Lucille..” Roland spoke up, placing a hand on one of her outstretched arms. “Let us pass.”

“No!” Lucy insisted, shaking the knight’s hand off. “I’ve brought fresh clothes. At least allow me to clean her up a little.”

While the maid and knights bickered, Kel glanced down at her dress. The thin layers of cotton and chiffon had been tattered beyond recognition. The original color of the dress was also a mystery, as it was now mostly caked in various shades of brown.

“After everything..” Lucy whimpered, “you can’t make her go in there and face them like thi-”

“Step aside.”

Everyone froze at a familiar icy tone.

“Let the princess enter,” Ira commanded, stepping out from the shadows where he’d been observing the ordeal.

With a sigh, Lucy gave in, and tagged along behind the group. As they walked, she gingerly linked her arm through Kel’s, offering her a sad smile.

“How’s Barclay?” Kel whispered.

Lucy squoze her arm gently and replied softly, “he’s alive, My Lady. He’s alive.”

Kel breathed out in relief. Barclay was alive.

She wanted to run straight to her injured comrade’s side, or at least pry more information from Lucy, but they had reached the vast blood-red doors guarding the throne room.

The massive crowd gathered in the room stopped to stare as Ira led Kel, Thane, Roland and Lucy inside. As she was being ushered to a nearby seat, Kel couldn’t help but stare in awe at the sheer massiveness of the room.

The domed ceilings were easily more than one hundred feet tall at their highest point and were covered in glittering stars and constellations. Kel couldn’t tell if they shone from gold paint reflecting the light from the room, or if there were dozens of tiny star-shaped windows cut into the ceiling.

She took her seat, on the edge of one of the front sections, and turned her attention to the center of the vast floor, where a single man kneeled. He was covered in dirt and dry blood with his hands bound behind his back.

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