The Dragon's Kiss - Chapter 87 - EIGHTY SEVEN: Checkmate

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“Taking advantage of naïve believers..” Kel echoed the disturbing phrase to herself. 

It certainly wasn’t the story she’d heard about the Dragon Emperor’s ascension to power. The tale she was familiar with involved the emperor nearly single-handedly wiping out all his enemies in the palace. She had to admit, though, the thought of the man slaughtering everyone in his way to take the throne made her uncomfortable.

But the idea that he’d taken advantage of these people as well?

She didn’t know how to feel about it. 

From what she’d seen so far, everyone was nice enough, but there was an unmistakable odd air about them. If they weren’t as innocent as they wanted her to believe, what did it matter if someone used them to gain power? 

“This is the same thing I want to ask of you,” Soren remarked. “I want you to help me take advantage of them again and seize the throne–no the whole continent–from Calix.”

“You want to use me to take over the whole continent?” Kel gulped.

“Think about it,” Soren continued. “It’s clear neither one of us believe in the hokey pokey legends these people live by. If we joined forces to take over, the people of Subterra would be happy with their golden-haired goddess, and we’d be happy ruling over the continent!”

An uncontrollable cheesy grin covered his face as he spoke. The more he talked, the faster the words became. Kel had never seen him express such honest excitement before.

“If it wasn’t clear earlier,” she responded sternly, “I’m not the one you’re looking for. I have no interest in such ambitions.”

Soren’s enthusiasm wasn’t dampened in the least by her refusal.

“If it’s because you feel guilty about taking advantage of the people here, isn’t this exactly what they wanted anyway?” he coaxed, “Putting someone like you on the throne has been the entire goal of this civilization since its founding!”

“That’s not the problem. I’m just not interested,” Kel maintained.

The offer Soren was giving her, there was nothing inherently wrong with it. Sure, it was a little shady, but he did make a good point about fulfilling the wish of the people of Subterra. Besides, Kel had nowhere to go in life already, and putting herself at the top would be the perfect revenge on those who abandoned her. Plus, it would secure a life full of purpose and passion, something currently far out of her reach.

Despite how logical the man’s proposal was, however, something about it didn’t sit quite right with her. Maybe it was the knight-ish attitude ingrained into her head from so many years of humble service. Or maybe it was her moral compass itching at her conscience. 

Either way, she knew she could never accept a deal like this.

“I can understand why you’re hesitating,” Soren said sympathetically. “You feel guilty toward your country, right? How would your people feel if their princess betrayed them?”

I mean, they wouldn’t care at all if I betrayed them, Kel mused to herself, considering I’m not their princess and they technically betrayed me first. 

“But look at it this way,” Soren’s voice deepened. “Isn’t this the best way to protect them?”

“The best way to protect them is keeping them free from being conquered by the empire,” Kel replied determinedly. 

Soren raised an eyebrow at her, his lips shifting into a smirk. “But can you really put a stop that?” 

“I can stop you!” Kel felt her motivation rising. “And I will stop you, no matter what it takes!”

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