The Dragon's Kiss - Chapter 103 - ONE HUNDRED THREE: So You Can Fight?

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Kel didn’t have long to ponder before the hallway began rumbling. Two openings on either side of them slid open and Yellow Marguerite soldiers began pouring out. 

There were secret passages after all, Kel wondered briefly as she and Lucy were forced away from the emperor and Thane. 

Despite their attempts to stay together, it seemed the soldiers’ sole purpose was to separate the group. As Thane’s calls grew farther away, Kel glanced nervously at Lucy and then at the warriors rapidly surrounding them.

There was no other choice, right? 

She’d have to reveal herself here and now.

But would she be able to fight off so many people and keep Lucy out of harm’s way at the same time?

None of the soldiers were wearing armor above some leather armguards, fortunately, but every single one of them was armed. 

Above their heads glinted fearsome weapons that looked as if they’d been plucked straight out of the etchings on an ancient temple’s wall. They were made of a long slender staff with a wide curved blade and small hook affixed to the top. 

A weapon like that could take either woman’s neck off with one swing. Kel would have to keep her head low and focus on getting the men on the ground. 

As the swarm of soldiers came closer, her arm shot out to protect Lucy as she prepared to deliver a kick to the closest man.

Shifting her weight to her left foot, she bent her knees. She took a deep breath in, and..


Before her foot left the ground, the soldier she’d been aiming for was suddenly lying flat on his back.

Kel looked around in confusion and immediately noticed Lucy, poised close to the ground with one leg extended as her palms supported her body.

Had she just kicked the man’s feet out from under him? Good move, Lucy!

As Kel spent a millisecond soaking in gratitude that the maid had, at least, basic self defense and therefore wouldn’t get in her way, Lucy moved again. 

Like lightning, she jumped on top of the fallen man, knocking his breath away, while simultaneously clubbing the soldier next to him. 

After watching in awe for only a moment, Kel had decided.

This was more than basic self defense. Much more.

Lucy was an incredible fighter. 

But why would a maid-URK!

Kel leapt back as one of the soldiers took a swing at her head with his bladed pole.

This wasn’t the time to be pondering Lucy’s mysterious skills. These soldiers were looking for a fight, and there was no choice but to oblige.

First, she focused on the man currently attacking her. The broad whooshes of his staff were easy enough to dodge, and Kel delivered a combination of jabs, cross punches and uppercuts until he was down. 

Reaching for the fallen soldier’s staff, she briefly scanned her surroundings. Lucy already had a pile of men at her feet, and most of the guards had turned their attention to the surprisingly strong woman.

Kel couldn’t help but pause to watch her comrade. Lucy moved elegantly, effortlessly dodging each and every attack. As she glided between various slashes and lunges from the strange bladed poles, her feet and fists made frequent contact with unsuspecting stomachs, noses and knees.

In the midst of Kel’s observing, Lucy suddenly turned toward her with panicked eyes. At the same time, a sinister chill crept up Kel’s spine. She’d never used such a large weapon before, but her fingers instinctively curled around the staff she’d been about to throw away. 

In a flash, she whirled around, crouched on her heels, and swung the massive pole. To her surprise, the blade on the end wasn’t unbearably heavy, and the weapon swished easily through the air. The sharp edge sliced silently through a soldier’s thigh as his own weapon snipped off a few stray hairs, raised less than an inch above Kel’s scalp.

With a grunt, the man fell to the ground, clutching his scarlet-dyed leg. Kel kicked his staff away from him before turning to face the next guard rushing at her.

Bring it on, she smirked, brandishing her new deadly toy.

Before long, she had her own pile of soldiers littering the ground at her feet, all groaning in pain. After ensuring there were no further immediate threats Kel turned back to see how Lucy was faring.

Having finished off her own stream of soldiers, Lucy was standing quietly, watching Kel with a strange gaze.

Ah. Kel recognized that look. The same expression probably painted her own face as well.

The gaze of someone who’d discovered a comrade in secret fighting skills.

“Oh.. um.. Good work!” Kel smiled sheepishly, slowly hiding the bloodied bladed pole behind her back. 

“You too.. Princess?” Lucy responded uncertainly, gently moving her own messy weapon out of sight.

“So….” Kel trailed off, unsure how to finish her question.

So you can fight?

So you’re definitely not a maid?

So brewing delicious tea isn’t your only talent?

The woman nodded knowingly to Kel’s unspoken inquiry. Similar questions were probably flooding her mind as well.

The awkward air between them didn’t last long, as it was soon filled with Thane’s calls as he and the emperor approached them. 

Both men were covered in various blood splatters, and, after a hasty inspection of her dress, Kel discovered she was in a similar state.

Lucy, however, didn’t have any soiled patches on her clothes and skin, or even a single hair out of place for that matter. 

It was already clear the woman wasn’t a mere palace worker, but Kel was beginning to doubt she was human at all.

“Haaa. I’m impressed with you, Lucy,” Thane teased as he came to a halt on the outskirts of the many defeated bodies. “I think you set a new record for yourself.”

Lucy shook her head and rolled her eyes. 

If Kel had been paying attention, she probably would have noticed a faint rosy shade creeping into the woman’s cheeks, but her entire focus was on the emperor.

Shifting his gaze to Kel, who was locked in a silent staring contest with the emperor, Thane’s mouth gaped momentarily.

Quickly regaining his composure, he corrected himself.

“I have to take that back.. It looks like you had some help dealing with these goons.”

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