Hotwife On the Beach

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I woke up in a state of confusion. My phone vibrated on the nightstand. It took me a minute to remember I was sleeping in a rented beachfront townhouse.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was Stela. It was just after midnight. I'd been enjoying the kind of deep sleep that only comes after a long day, some good wine, and a mindblowing orgasm thanks to the blowjob she'd given me a few hours earlier.

I didn't understand why she was calling in the middle of the night. She should have been asleep next to her husband in their vacation house a short walk away. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Maybe her mind-mannered husband had found out about the blowjob and was calling to confront me. As a hotwife, Stela had his permission to fuck other men, but she was supposed to let him know first. We had broken his rules when she snuck away from her family to see me during their vacation.

I answer the phone expecting a confrontation.


"It's me," Stela said.

I relaxed a little bit, but I still didn't understand why she was calling. I thought something had to be wrong.

"Were you asleep?" she asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"That must be nice," she said quietly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't sleep," she said. "I'm too wound up. I'm too on edge."

I wondered if Stela was having regrets about seeing me without telling her husband. Or maybe she was just nervous that she'd impulsively invited me to come to meet up with her while she was with her kids and parents. She'd made the decision in the heat of the moment after days of exchanging dirty texts and a steamy video call that ended with us both climaxing.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I waited for her to continue.

"I invited you down here while on vacation with my family," she said. "It was hasty and risky and sexy as hell that you were willing to do it. Then I made an excuse to get out of the house and see you. Then I gave you a blowjob. And then you sent me out the door and told me not to touch myself and I'm not allowed to cum until I see you again. That's what happened."

Stela was getting louder the longer she talked. I wondered if she was hidden in a bathroom so her family wouldn't hear. She was a woman used to getting what she wanted and I could hear just a hint of anger in her voice, but there was also a bit of desperation and an overachiever's desire to please.

Before my flight, Stela had called me while I was waiting at the airport. She'd told me how eager she was to see me and then she'd masturbated. I was stuck with a hard-on and unable to do a thing about it.

Although I enjoyed her being bold, I knew Stela craved a man who would take control and not be afraid to stand up to her. I told her on the phone she wasn't allowed to cum again without my permission. After I arrived, she told her husband she was going to play tennis and then snuck over to visit me expecting sex. Instead, I'd fucked her pretty mouth and told her she had to wait until I saw her again to cum.

"Are you on edge because you need to cum?" I asked her.

"Yes," she said.

"So you're calling and waking me up to ask permission?" I asked. "I do appreciate that you've shown me enough respect to ask rather than just doing it, but I gave you instructions and now you don't want to follow them? It seems like you're not learning your lesson."

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