Hotwife's First Threesome

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"What about this one?"

"That's a guy," I said.

"A guy? Like she's trans? How can you tell? She looks like a woman to me," Stela said.

"It isn't a woman. It's a guy with fake pictures online pretending to be a woman," I answered.

"Ew. Gross. How can you tell?"

"They're all professional photos. There isn't a single candid shot," I answered.

We were lying naked in bed. The window was open so we could feel the sea breeze and hear the sound of the crashing surf. Our bodies were sticky with sweat after a vigorous midday fuck.

"My profile was all professional shots, too," she said. "And you still swiped on me."

"True," I said. "But what you wrote seemed genuine."

In truth, I'd been just as suspicious of Stela's profile when we'd matched a few weeks earlier. Her photos were all mysterious boudoir shots that were taken as a gift for her husband. She had a tight body and I wasn't in a rush to meet anyone, so I'd taken a chance she was real.

"Why would a guy pretend to be a woman online?" she asked.

I shrugged.

"Who knows? It's usually a closet case who gets off talking dirty to men and pretending to be a woman. Or just a desperate old guy trying to trick a woman into sending nudes because they can't get laid in real life."

Stela shuddered. She swiped left on Lisa with the stolen porn star pictures.

She'd showed up at my rented townhouse an hour earlier. Her husband and family thought she'd gone to play tennis after they spent the morning on the beach. Instead, her tennis dress was on the floor next to the bed where she'd tossed it after I told her to strip for me. It was our third clandestine meeting in two days. For the first time, the sex had gotten a little emotional. Our previous encounters had been defined by pure lust.

"You've given me everything I've ever fantasized about," she told me. "Nobody has ever made me cum consistently. Nobody has ever made me feel so sexy and desired. I fantasized about it but never thought it would happen the way I wanted."

I kissed her naked body as she spoke. I'd just finished filling her with my cum.

"I want to do something special for you," she said. "Anything you want. You choose."

It was exactly the kind of thing I wanted her to say. Stela was new to being with a dominant man. She was also new to being a hotwife. She had her husband's approval, but there were rules. I didn't know which ones came from him and which were her own. She'd told me upfront that she was supposed to get his approval each time she met with someone and that she wasn't allowed to fuck the same person more than twice. Her husband worried she'd become too emotionally involved if she saw the same man too many times.

Anal was also off-limits. So were threesomes and any type of public or risky sex that might lead to her being exposed and him being humiliated. She wasn't allowed to share nude pictures and she wasn't supposed to meet with me when she was supposed to be spending time with her family.

My intention from the start was to push those limits and make her break the rules. I wanted her to submit to me. I didn't care if she persuaded her husband to change his mind or just lied to him. So far, she'd chosen the second option. She'd sent me nude pictures and videos. She'd met me twice without his knowledge. She still talked as if our next official, approved night together would be our last, but I was confident that I would change her mind.

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