Chapter 7

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Yesterday was bearable. I mostly kept to myself, with the exception of another sweet slumber party with Noodle. I woke up to the sound of cartoonish shooting sounds. Noodle was across from me on the bed, gaming out hard on her little gameboy. Her tongue was half sticking out, her body moving with every shot she set off. The face of pure concentration. I giggled and rolled over to face her. 

"Good morning, Noodle" I placed my head in my hands and stared up at her

"Hi (Y/N)!" She yelled, eyes still glued to the screen.

I laid my head down again and closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the sounds of the video game creating a nice soundscape. A peaceful morning. I opened my eyes again.

"Hey Noodle, can I ask you something?"

She immediately paused her game and put it down, meeting my gaze. "Of course, (Y/N), you can ask me anything!"

"Could you - um. I know this is a bit odd" I hesitated. "Could you tell 2D that I think he has a beautiful voice?"

A goofy smile spread across her face. "You have a crush on Toochi!!"

I laughed softly, feeling a bit flustered at the suggestion. "No, I don't. I just think he should know" 

"Why don't you tell him yourself then, (Y/N)? I'm sure he would pee himself hearing that from you" 

I sighed, this was going nowhere - "I can't, Noodle.."

"Grown up stuff?" She cocked her head, putting her hand on my lap.

"Yeah, grown up stuff" I said, relieved. 

She shrugged, this answer seemed to be enough. "Ok, I will let him know!" 

I smiled and laid back down, relaxed. Noodle returned to her game. A minute barely passed before the door shot open loudly, and a grumpy voice was calling to me.

"(Y/N), get your arse back to your room. We need those outfits done by tonight" Murdoc yelled.

"Don't you knock?" I groaned, I sat up and dragged my feet to the door to meet him. I turned around to wave goodbye to Noodle, who was now too sucked into her game to notice the gesture. 

"My house, my rules" 

"Uh huh" I mumbled and slowly followed him back towards my room. "Hey, what day is it today?" I asked mindlessly. 

"January 1st" 

I stopped dead in my tracks and started to panic. "Shit shit shit. I haven't paid my rent-"

Murdoc turned around to face me. "I took care of it. Relax." 

A wave of relief rushed over me, quickly followed by confusion. Why would he do that? Is he being - nice to me? 

"Thank you" I mumbled back. 

"Right, run along then love and finish your work. Maybe later, we can celebrate." He winked at me and walked away. He sounded - genuine? Weird.

I made it back to my room and locked the door, turning to face my sewing machine. "Its me and you baby, lets do this." 

I sat down and worked away on all of their outfits, finishing 2Ds first. I held his army hat in my hand and smiled at the thought of how goofy and sweet he would look in it. I shook my head. Back to work. I sewed for what must have been hours, but it felt like no time at all. Working on things made it impossible for my mind to wander too far or dwell on anything bad. I felt present.

Finally finished, I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was 10:00pm. Wow, so much for celebrating. I slipped into some comfy clothes, figuring I'd probably be heading to bed soon, but a sudden pain in my stomach stopped me from doing so. Shit. I realized I hadn't eaten anything all day, so I got up and headed off to the kitchen. I heard giggles down the hallway, and made my way over to find Russel, 2D and Noodle putting on their shoes. 

"Where are you guys heading off to?" I asked, a bit too eagerly. It had only been a few days but I desperately missed the outside world.

"We're gonna check out this new Horror movie! Would you like to come?" Russel asked politely.

Before I could answer I felt a looming presence behind me. "I- I can't. - Can I?" I turned around to face Murdoc, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"(Y/N) has tons of work to finish up. Isn't that right love?" Murdoc said, matter of factly. 

"Right.." I said, clearly disappointed.

"Aww. I will miss you!" Noodle ran over and grabbed my hand. "You can sleep in my room if you want to." 

"Thank you Noodl-" 

"(Y/N), c-can I talk to you a moment?" 2D spoke up, startling me. It was so nice to hear my name leave his mouth.

I stood there awkwardly, feeling everyone staring at me. I replayed Murdoc's words in my head, and saw him staring at me with a stern expression. The room felt like it was spinning, and I realized too much time had already passed. "Uh, um - no" 

I panicked and ran out of the room. I could hear Murdoc's laugh and sense the confusion from the others. "Right.. let's go then" I heard 2D say sadly, and my heart fell into to my stomach. 

I can't keep doing this, I thought. This is torture. He doesn't deserve this. I need to talk to him. I heard the door close and the house suddenly got quiet. 

"Atta girl" Murdoc chuckled, patting me on the back and leaning against the counter again. "You finished everything like I ask?"

I nodded my head quickly. Anger was building inside of me, I hated the way he treats me, the way he treats the others. I wanted to set him straight. My stomach growled angrily again and I sighed. 

"Could I please eat something?" 

Murdoc looked at me and started to laugh "'Course you can. This isn't some sort of prison. Help yourself"

I got up and rummaged through the fridge, grabbing myself a snack. "Sorry, I've never been kidnapped before, I don't know the rules." I said sarcastically.

"I literally told you the rules, (Y/N). There were 5 of them, remember?" 

I laughed at how serious he was saying this.

"And, Number 5, If you remember -" He turned around and started rummaging through a cupboard, pulling out another giant bottle of whiskey, "Is to have fun".

I wanted to say no, but I stopped myself before I could protest - a bright idea bubbling in my head. He stretched out his hand in waiting. 

"Alright, then what are we waiting for?" I asked playfully, taking his hand as he led me to the living room. 

This has to work. 

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