Chapter 23

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Murdoc winced at the mention of her name, a pit in his stomach was beginning to form. He knew he had to play it cool. 

"What is it, then?" Murdoc asked plainly, but really he didn't want to know. He glanced over at the locked door and wished more than anything that he could throw it open and flee. 

2D was flustered as ever. The thought of (Y/N) made all of his strong feelings come rushing back to him, feelings he'd been way too afraid to share with her - much less Murdoc. The liquor was speaking for him, telling him to get it all off his chest. He didn't quite know how this conversation would go but it was too late now, he had already spoken.

"Well, she - she's the reason I've been acting like such a knob to you lately.." He said nervously. 

Murdoc wanted to laugh at the irony, knowing very well that (Y/N) had also been the source of his growing frustration for 2D. He would never admit it like that. He did what he was always good at and used 2D's vulnerability to his advantage.

"Yeah, come to think of it you have been a total dickhead lately." He smirked.

2D shot him a sorry glance, and Murdoc once again felt guilty. "Carry on.." Murdoc motioned for him to continue. His curiosity was peaked, but he already didn't like where this was going.

2D's heart was beating out of his chest. What the hell am I doing? He thought. He wished he hadn't said anything at all. He began to babble nervously. "I - I guess she makes me act all funny and all that -" 

"What's that have to do with me then, hm?" Murdoc scoffed. His eyes were glued to the bottle in his hand as he waited for 2D to explain himself. He caught himself picking at the label nervously and quickly pulled his hand away.

2D thought for a moment. He was choosing his words carefully, afraid of setting Murdoc off again and ruining all the progress they had just made tonight. "Uhm, well. I - I notice the way yew look at her." He stopped for a second, studying Murdoc's face carefully which was becoming increasingly more flushed. "I - I can't really tell if yew like her, or it's just -"

"Like her? Are you mad!?" He spat. He could feel a familiar anger begin to rise inside of him and he desperately tried to stifle it. 

2D threw his hands up defensively. "Right, sorry, I- I was just asking." 

Murdoc's POV

2D's stupid face was making my blood boil. I didn't know what to do. I was stuck. My usual response of shouting at or hurting him would make me seem way too affected now. On top of that, I had just apologized to the boy. I could feel my brain slowly shutting down, a familiar defence mechanism of mine. It's like I become switched on autopilot and someone else starts speaking for me, someone with the IQ of a rubber boot. I noticed I had gone quiet and began to panic. 

"S-sure, she's got a nice pair of knockers.." I said plainly. And a beautiful, kind heart. Shut up, brain!  - "But I, Murdoc Niccals, don't like anyone." I said. I was lying through my teeth. 

I guess it was more of a half truth. I had never really liked anyone until I met (Y/N).

"A-are yew sure Murdoc?" He asked sheepishly, seeming rather unconvinced. I could tell he was coming from a caring place but this only pissed me off further.

OF COURSE I LIKE HER YOU IDIOT. I wanted to yell at him and at myself. How could I not!?  My tongue was in knots. I wanted to tell him to stay the hell away from her. I wanted to pour my heart out to him until he understood. I wanted to break the door down and tell her every disgusting feeling I have for her. I couldn't bring myself to do any of those things - I just sat there like a useless twat.

"She'd be a good shag and that's it." Is all I managed to say.

I lifted my eyes from the floor to meet his - apparently I had convinced the idiot. I watched 2D's face light up at this, happy. I wanted to give him another black eye to wipe that stupid expression off. Calm down. I felt my fist beginning to clench and I sat on my hand to stifle it. 

I noticed 2D getting more nervous now, if that was even possible. I held my breath. 

"Right, well. I um. I - I really like her. A lot" he said meekly. 

I had a feeling this was coming, but it cut just as deep nonetheless. I wanted to drown his voice out - everything he was saying was making me sick.

"M-more than I've ever liked anyone before.." he admitted. 

I felt the nasty pit in my stomach grow big enough to swallow me whole. I was mad about her - and here this little twat goes and catches feelings for her, too!? The room was starting to feel smaller and more claustrophobic. Everywhere I looked I saw red. I grabbed for the bottle of whiskey and took a few swigs, trying my best to seem nonchalant. 

"And why should I care?!" I spat, making 2D flinch. I didn't really care about playing nice anymore, I just wanted out of here. "You really kept me in here to tell me that? What - d'you want a medal or something?" 

2D looked gutted - he was expecting more from me, which only added to my own disappointment. "I wanted ta tell her how I feel. But I - I din't want to step over any boundaries. I wanted ta check with yew first, which is why I was askin' if yew like her -" He nevously fumbled on all of his words.

I needed to get out of this room. I was getting more and more angry at him the more he spoke. Intrusive thoughts flooded my brain of the two of them together - her beautiful body underneath his. I needed it to stop. I took another long swig of whiskey to try and drown it all out. I was about 2 minutes away from beating the boy unconscious. 

"Answer's no, lad. She's all body, not so good in the face, yknow?" I lied. 

2D looked puzzled and I continued, "She-she's depressingly ugly, and I'm offended that you would even ask." I spat. It hurt to say - but I was speaking pure nonsense at this point. 

2D frowned and shook his head. "Not true, she's beautiful." He whispered, staring off into space longingly as if he was thinking about her right there and then. This really pissed me off.

"Y-yeah to you maybe.. in those messed up little eyes of yours." I muttered. I stopped myself. 2D looked back at me with a pained expression. "S-sorry. I din't mean that." I choked on my words. 

The room was spinning and closing in on me slowly. I was digging myself a shallow grave. Get. Out. Now. 

"Right.. Well, I-I was wondering if yew could, um - not try and shag her, fhen?" He said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the floor.  

What more could I say? I was defeated. I cleared my throat and stood up. "The birds all yours. Knock yourself out." I said simply.

I quickly stumbled back over to the door and began to bang on it with all my might. I couldn't wait to get out of here and drink myself into oblivion. 

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