Chapter 18:The Call

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sap pov

we got a message the other day from wilbur saying y/n wasn't coming home for a couple months because something happened when we left. he still hasn't told us what. clays been getting really nervous about her. he keeps waiting to see if she texted him or called. he's been getting more aggravated quicker and hasn't talked to us much. he's spent most of the time in his room and will usually wont come out for days at a time. 

i heard someone's phone ringing. it was on the counter I looked over and it was clay's. the name was love. i grabbed the phone quickly and pick it up. "hello!" I said. "sapnap hi" I heard her voice for what has been months. "oh my god" I saw George come out of his room. he asked who I was talking to i mouthed at him y/n, get clay. hi face lit up and he ran down the hall. "hey um wheres clay." she asked. "George is getting him right now he'll hopefully come out of your room." I said. "what do you mean hopefully?" she asked. "oh uhm he uh hasn't come out of your room very often since wilbur told us you weren't coming home a couple of months ago." I said. "WHAT! OMG IS HE OK" she asked "oh uhh I uh don't know. he hasn't uh talked to us very often" I said quickly. "omg"she said. i can tell she put her hand over her mouth.

 i heard George talking to clay. "clay come on she called your phone."  "George I-i don't know if i can." "why not" "the reason is stupid." "no reason is stupid clay" "alright I'm afraid that uh either ill break down on call or or say something stupid" "you wont say something stupid and i bet she'll break down once she hears your voice. she almost broke down when hearing saps voice. come on clay she misses you." i walked down to clays room. "hey y/n can you hold on a second I'm trying to get clay on the phone" i walk in and see him crying a bit. "hey hey clay come on. she really wants to talk to you. she was the first person she asked for and called" i sat next to him. "i know you want to talk to her just take the phone and talk to her." i said giving him the phone.

clay pov

"clay?" i heard her voice crack. "please take the phone from him i miss you. i need to talk to you." i heard her sniff. "y/n i bet he's ok." "no wil he's not. he hasn't left my room or talked to George and sap since we told them. I'm worried about him wil." "i know y/n. hey hey i got you stop crying. come here."i heard her crying get muffled. "see clay shes really worried." sap said next to me. "hey wil is she ok" sap asked. "yeah she's alright" i still could hear her crying. "sap can i see the phone" i said quietly. he heard me. "wil can you pass the phone to y/n." sap says. "yeah one sec. hey they want to talk to you" i heard the phone get passed to her. the boys left the room. "y/-y/n y-you t-there." i say. she hums yes in response. i cant tell shes trying to hold back the tears. "hi c-clay" i heard her say. once i heard her voice i broke down. "cl-clay?!" i heard her exclaim. "i-im h-here. i choked out. i looked at my phone and it showed she is requesting to switch to facetime.

 i accepted it. she looked messy but cute. she could never look to bad. she was in a hoodie. i looked at the hoodie and realized it was the hoodie i had been looking for since we left the UK. i smiled seeing her wearing it. i was looking at her for a moment noticing some differences. her hair was longer and had more green. i saw tears streaming down her face. when i saw her i felt more tears come down my face. we sat there looking at each other until i decided to say something. "how are y-you doing" i said. "i m-miss -y-you." she said. "y-you need to e-eat c-clay" i looked away. "please" . "when are  you coming back" i said. "can you g-get the boys so they k-know as well" she said. i heard a door open. "hey y/n hows it going? is everything ok?" i heard will ask "ye-yeah its g-going good" she said. "ok"he said. 

my screen went blank. either my internet went out or hers. "NO! she was just about to tell us when she was coming home," i said. "WHAT," both sap and George said. 

a couple hours later i got a call from her. "GUYS SHES CALLING!!" i shouted. i answered the phone on facetime. i saw her holding a steering wheel. "hey i lost connection" she said quickly. "what are you doing." i asked. "oh um go outside the house." "what" "go outside". we rushed outside to see a car pull in. i hung up and ran down the stairs to her. when she saw me she opened teh door and ran to me. i grabbed her waist and picked her up and kissed her. it felt perfect.

y/n pov

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y/n pov

he kissed me. clay just kissed me. i put my hands on his cheek and wrapped my legs around his waist. he pulled me closer deepening the kiss more. after a minute we stopped. "im sorry" clay said into my shoulder. i tool my hand and cupped his face so he faced me. i leaned in and kissed him again. i felt him smile against my lips. we broke out of the kiss. "why are you sorry." i said messing with his hair. "because it was really random" he said blushing."you dont need to apologize for that. the randomness made it even better" i laugh. he puts me down and sap and George come down to say hello."i got a picture" sap teased. "oh really! can you send it wil would be happy to know that we kissed" i say. "alright" he says realizing his tease was a flop.

clay pov

i still stood in shock out side while everyone else was walking inside. y/n looked around and saw me standing still. she ran downstairs to get me. she kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand. i didnt move for a minute. i pulled her hand and brought her into my chest. "so uh does this mean where um" i started "you have to actually ask" she says raising her eyebrows. "okkkk... y/n do you want to uh be my girlfriend" she wrapped her arms around my neck. i wrapped my arms around her waist. "yes clay i will" i smiled and kissed her again. we finished the kiss. i picked her up again and she wrapped her legs around my waist and i spun us a couple of times. she rest her head on my shoulder. "you know what" she said into my shoulder. "what?" i asked. "i think that you need to eat because i dont know how long its been since you've eaten" she said. "ok fine" i said kissing her forehead. "lets go" i said putting her down. she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

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