Tracer VS Scout

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This one's pretty infamous for it's time. Let's see the alternate ending!


Scout: All right, doll. Fun's over.

Tracer holds her side as her Chronal Accelerator starts to boot up.

Tracer: Not yet, mate!

Scout fires his Pistol right at Tracer's head as the Overwatch Hero's Chronal Accelerator becomes active.

Tracer: The cavalry's here!

Tracer uses her Recall, rewinding time back to where she was before Scout launched her with his bat. She blinks towards Scout after noticing her healed injuries. Back with Scout, the bullet hits the ground as the Merc is baffled to see his opponent disappear.

Scout: Shit!

Tracer appears before Scout and kicks him into the air multiple times, successfully building up her Ultimate meter. Tracer knocks him through a wall before Scout equips another can of Atomic Punch and attempts to drink it, only for Tracer to appear and grab it.

Tracer: Not this time, Yankee!

Tracer blinks away with the can and then warps back to place a Pulse Bomb on Scout's back. Before she could place the bomb, Scout hits her with a baseball and he equips the Sandman.

Scout: You know, I don't think getting rid of my drink was a good move. Besides...

Scout pulls out another drink, but this one is purple, revealed to be the Crit-a-Cola.

Scout: I've got more.

Tracer: You're one annoying little bugger, aren't you?

Scout: Well, I'm a lot of things: awesome, dead sexy, charming, but most important...

Scout drinks the Crit-a-Cola and readies the Sandman.

Scout: I am the Scout here.

Tracer fires her Pulse Pistols as Scout dodges and swings another baseball at Tracer, stunning her in place. He whacks her in the head twice with the Sandman before pulling out the Force-A-Nature and shooting multiple times, leaving Tracer bloody and bruised. Scout pulled out the Batsaber and shoves right through Tracer's Chronal Accelerator and her chest as the hero coughs out blood and struggles to stand.

Tracer: What the-what did you do!?

Scout: Eh, kinda hard to fight a guy when you got a target on your chest and he's beatin' your frickin' head in.

Scout winds up the Sandman and strikes Tracer, sending her flying into the air as he aims the Scattergun right at her head.

Scout: Cheers, love! The calvary's dead!

Scout fires as the bullet rips right through Tracer's head, obliterating it into a bloody mess. Her corpse hits the ground as her body fades away from time. Scout looks on as he grabs the intelligence and walks off.

Scout: Hit the bricks, pal. You're done.


Scout walks into the base as he steps on the one thing remaining of Tracer: her goggles.


Looks like Tracer lost in the blink of an eye. Sorry, was that a bat time?

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