Chapter 2

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I left Ashton and Sophie in the dining hall on Tuesday to come back to my dorm. There wasn't much else to do since it was a Tuesday night, and since I didn't have homework I just laid in bed and watched Netflix. Waking up for class on Wednesday was significantly better, since I didn't have to go in until 9:30. I was officially thrown back into the real world, so the anxiety about that from yesterday was gone.

I jumped out of bed after taking an extra minute to wake up and decided on showering. It was snowing yet again this morning, and even though I knew going outside with wet hair would make it freeze I just wanted to refresh myself. It was actually starting to really piss me off that this winter was dumping snow on us, but we hadn't had this much in years so I knew we deserved it. If anything, it made me feel better to know global warming wasn't taking it away yet.

With all of that in mind, I threw on a thick hoodie and the only pair of black jeans I owned without rips. I still didn't feel like putting effort into anything, so I tied my hair into a loose braid and grabbed a winter hat. Once I had my shoes on I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door.

"Izz!" I flinched and turned back to see Sophie coming out of her room right after me.

"Hey, walk with me." I told her, stopping just long enough for her to catch up. It was only 9, so I was planning on getting a coffee before class anyway.

"You never got to finish telling me about Luke yesterday." She said. It was a good feeling to be able to talk about it. I think I just needed to prove to myself that I was okay, and seeing him yesterday without breaking down definitely did just that.

"There really wasn't anything else to talk about. I haven't seen or heard anything since." I told her. We got into the elevator and backed against opposite walls, continuing our conversation.

"Well I think Ash and Calum are going to go have lunch with him today. We can just sit by ourselves if you want." She said cautiously. I didn't care if they wanted to spend time with him, in fact, I wanted to encourage it.

"Let's let them have their time." I said quietly, shooting her a small smile.

It was nice to know we left for class on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the same time, so we planned to try to get coffee those days before we went in. We grabbed our coffees for the morning and had to head right off to class since the line was so long, but I told her to come over to my dorm when she was done for the day.

I wasn't really even excited for my classes today. They were all random ones I had to fill in just to get more credits, so I trudged through the snow after parting ways with Sophie to get to my first one. It didn't even occur to me to look at my emails as I walked through a half foot of snow, so when I got to a locked door with barely anyone else around I finally did. Classes were cancelled today because of the snow, and when I texted Sophie to let her know I already had one coming in from her.


We're so dense. I'm heading back to your room rn


Seriously. I'll be there soon lol

I sighed and turned back to head down the hall where I came from, but when I reached the top of the stairs I heard someone call out to me. I knew it was Mike from his voice, but that didn't stop me from flinching and slipping on the soaked tile floor. I fell onto my back, but my bag caught most of the impact so it's not like I actually hurt myself.

"Are you good?!" Mike came running up to me very carefully, not wanting to slip himself. I couldn't help but start laughing though, and when he kneeled next to me and saw it he playfully shoved me on my side.

Another Life (Sequel to Toxic) - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now