Chapter 11

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By the time my brain caught up with my surroundings and started freaking out, it was far too late to turn back. I found myself in a room full of girls either half naked or fully naked, so I immediately looked to the floor as I kept following yet another guy with a visible gun.

"That's Rebecca, she'll tell you what to do." He said, not wasting any time to drop me off and get the hell out of there.

"What are you supposed to be doing?" She asked me, only turning to me for a short second before looking back at a dry erase board on the wall. I didn't even know what to say, but at least now I kind of knew what I was supposed to be doing, even if I didn't want anything to do with it.

"The ring?" I said unsurely, sounding more like I was asking. She whipped around and headed over to a another back room. I didn't know if I should follow her or not, but when she opened the door it ended up being a walk-in closet. There were a few shelves with hanging outfits, and she looked back at me once before searching through bins. She found a bag with something in it and threw it to me, which is when I realized she had been sizing me up.

"What size shoe do you wear?" She asked, not even looking back up to me while she turned to the shoe wall.

"Eight, I think." I said, watching her rip open a box with black heeled boots inside.

"Get dressed and head to the DJ booth." With that she started walking away, but I looked around and couldn't find a bathroom.

"Wait, where's the bathroom?" I shouted over to her, making some of the girls in the area look over at me. I could see one of them laughing silently out of the corner of my eye and knew I wasn't going to like the answer.

"There isn't one." Was all I got, and then she was gone out the door. I really started panicking when I realized I didn't have anywhere to put my stuff where it would be safe. Usually I wouldn't worry about it, but when I glanced over at the girl who had just been laughing at me and realized most of these women were crackheads, I knew I needed to get my stuff into Luke's bag.

I put the things Rebecca gave me onto the bench in the middle of the room and quickly made my way out the door that I was brought in through. I saw exactly which door Luke walked through, so I scurried over in that direction. My hope was that he could still get me the fuck out of this situation.

When I pushed open the door I found a room similar to the one I just escaped from. Lockers lined the walls and benches ran the length of the room, only it was filled with guys either ready to fight or having just been beaten up.

"Wrong fucking room." One of them yelled at me, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Fuck off." I said, not even knowing which one I was saying it to. I was too pissed about this mess to give a shit, but when the guy who yelled at me finally showed himself my eyes widened.

"Get the fuck out!" He yelled, pushing me back so I hit the wall. I cowered when the nearly seven-foot man towered over me, not even wanting to move at all even though he wanted me to.

"I got it. Move your fucking feet." Luke came up and grabbed my wrist, jolting me forward and throwing me out of the room. "How many times did I have to tell you not to come in here?" He said after closing the door. I knew I truly had done this all to myself this time, but I still wanted to blame him for it.

"You need to get me out of here." I said quietly, watching as he looked around the room.

"I can't do that now, Izz." I sighed aggressively, making me want to cry.

"You need to Luke, please. I can't do this." I said, tears nearly falling.

"And you need to understand how much shit you're going to get me into if you don't now." He said, leaning in and finally looking at me. I wanted to argue it, but I knew he was right. I didn't have a clue what was going on here, and I had no idea what kind of deal he had with the people who ran this place. It was bigger than I ever could have imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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Another Life (Sequel to Toxic) - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now