Chapter 2

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(A/N: a pic of what I imagined Aakav to be like is added above.)

It took him a little more convincing to finally make me agree. I had asked him for a week's time but that was not possible for some reason, and so it had to be done today.

We together travelled to his lab with the help of automated cabs that were a new launch in the city. It did not have a driver. 

You just had to enter your location and whether or not you have an emergency and whether or not you are carrying a child or a pregnant female.

We reached his lab within 15mins. 

 In the cab I had researched a little more on my Q to find exactly which time zone I would prefer going to.

 And I decided to choose to go to the year 1441. One year before King Neel died. 

I had my history research coming in soon. This recently found evidence of history had the least number of researches done. ofcourse I would take, or rather grab this opportunity.

History, Money and Aakav. I love this combination.

He walked me up the platform in the centre of the lab. This was my first time walking up in his lab. This was my first time being so close to science. But I can't complain. This is taking me even more close to history.

Well I had to remind myself again and again, that this was still an experiment. That nothing has been proven yet. And the more I seem to remind myself of it, the more I found myself praying for my life.

The lab was nothing like they show in movies. It was more like an empty space, just having monitors and computer screens displaying at various places with various algorithms on them. I could not understand and to be honest I did not even try to.

"you stand there." He pointed to the center of the platform that was marked with a red circle. 

"in that circle" he continued.

 "okay" I started moving towards the spot

"I'll enter the year and the place on my computer. When I press 'enter' you'll hear a small beep at that place. It will take about 30 seconds for everything around you to fade."

"ohh" this seemed more scary than I thought. Although, I wouldn't lie, it did have the potential to keep me intrigued.

"you'll be able to hear sounds of this world and that world in those 30 seconds after the beep, but you will not be able to leave that spot once that beep appears. 

Things will slowly change and you will find yourself where you desire to be. Interesting?" he explained further ending it with a question I wasn't so sure about.

Was it interesting? I suppose.

But am I ready for this? I don't know. Anyway I just faked a smile at that handsome face and went my way to the platform, standing in the middle of the circle.

It did not feel weird. Not yet.

"year 1441 right?" he questioned. Loud enough for me to hear since I was now standing at good distance.

"yes" my voice echoed. I realized this spot could be sensitive to sounds. But I was not qualified enough to make this judgment.

He fidgeted with his monitors, which appeared like the final step to my journey.

 As he said, I could hear a sharp beep.

But nothing had changed. Nothing yet.

 I did not try moving since he said it won't work. A loud thud followed as soon as the beep started to faint. Footsteps making a way in the lab. I don't know if it was loud and bold, dramatic steps or they sounded like that in the circle.

My environment had started fading. But the noises were still clear enough.

 I guess because light travels faster, the lights from that time zone, year 1441, started overlapping this one, but sounds were yet on their way.

I did not have a watch but I could assume 20 seconds had past already since the beep had gone.

"what have you done?" I could hear a man's voice. He sounded aggressive and mad. 

 This could be the person with the dramatic footsteps, I assumed.

"I- I" this was Aakav's voice. he sounded scared. I couldn't see anything excepts bright lights that blinded me.

"you know this machine is not ready for it's human trial. That is why we had sent robots to the future."


Did my mind play a trick on me or what just happened. I decided to walk past, out of that spot, but I seemed to be walking towards a huge door, a huge ancient door. I was halfway between 2069 and 1441.

"it's just for a day" I could hear Aakav debate

"the system has not been set for a day, it is one year." The other man spoke


Is it getting scary or interesting?

that is all for today folks.

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i love you

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