Chapter 36

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If I were to divide history, I would divide it into two parts

Original history: The original 1441,where no Jiera existed. The original 1441 that I studied in my history class. The original 1441 before time travel.


Modified history: After my time travel, after Neel met Jiera. The history that I am a part of.

My presence did change a little history here and there. I don't know if I was capable to do any major changes. Nevertheless I was a disturbing factor in the normal sequence of events.

For example, I don't know, if in my absence, does Yug ever marry Aarini. Also it was because my Q tab was found, Queen Mother got executed from the palace.

She had left right after the engagement got over, just as Neel had wanted. Aarini was later told the truth about why her mother was asked to leave, but the former king was still kept away from it.

Neel was afraid, if he would come to know, he might go back to his dark room to hibernate himself.

"But why did she leave?" The former king had asked, bothered by the sudden disappearance of his second wife.

"She said she was not happy with the marriage and no more wants to be a part of it." Neel lied. It took a lot of persuasion, lies over lies, to make the old man believe and rest assured that his second wife is okay.


I was counting my days on my fingers now. There was just a little more than one month for me to leave. With Shravya gone, the only thing I was afraid of was, what will happen next?

My presence might be able to challenge history, but will it really be able to challenge death?

Just because my existence in this world, somehow, made Shravya out of Neel's life, does that mean he is out of danger?

Can I really stop death.

Because if Neel is meant to die around this time, he will still die, under factors I won't be aware of. And this scared the hell out of me.

There was another thing I was afraid of.

History, was never very precise with respect to dates, especially if the incidences are this old in time. I was not aware of the exact day Neel will die, for all I know, it's around the time I will go back to my world. But will I see him dead, or will he die after I am gone, I did not even know that.

I spent the nights either crying myself to sleep, or just talking to Neel, making the most of the handful of days that were left.

"Take care of yourself." I would often tell that to him, afraid, I might witness something I don't want to see.

We would talk about random things, about stuffs like, 'how he would like to be a common man and not a king' and sometimes about his mother. But the saddest of it all was 'marriage and kids'.

I tried my best to not linger around those topics but he would somehow manage to direct the conversation towards it.

"I am in love with the idea of having you as my Queen." He said.

"Neel-" I called out his name dryly. He knew I did not like talking about it.

"I know. I know" he cut me off. "I know you don't like talking about it. But I am sure you have time. You said your machine had some problem. What if because of the problem you won't go back. Then you can stay with me here." I did not know what was up with him. He was always so practical. But here, he had some unrealistic expectations

But come to think of it, why not. Whatever he had seen, heard, known, about me and my world were unrealistic to him.

I was afraid, even if what he was saying was right, even if I get trapped in this world forever, will he be by my side?

I don't want to live in a world where he is not there. There is just so much I want to do with him, and I had so little time.

The time that I once wanted more than anything, the time to leave this world, the time to say goodbye was finally approaching.


There was a loud knock on the door waking me abruptly from my sleep. I woke up, finding the corner of eyes wet, again. I must have cried during my sleep again.

It had become a thing since last one week. I would dream something weird, mostly which had Neel in it, and would cry hysterically, sometimes getting up because of it.

The knock continued and this time I could hear Brinda calling out for me.

"Open the door" she was panicking as she screamed.

I checked my Q. It was 4am in the morning. 

What the hell was going on?

"What is it?" I shouted, as I got out of my bed and walked towards the door, tripping on my way since I was still half asleep.

I opened the door for her, to find her breathing heavily, leaning across the door. Her hands on her chest as she panted, struggling to find words to deliver.

"What?" I asked again.

"That.." her breath was audibly loud. "there is.." I was finally coming more to my senses, and I noticed she was crying too.

Did she have a nightmare as well?

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She shut her eyes, and then once again opened them, finally comprehending what to say.

"The Norths, they have attacked." Her voice left her throat. "it's a war."

I could feel the world around me spinning. I looked at the ground, unable to comprehend anything, and trying to get a grip of myself.

I gave a weak smile at it. My body was too numb to cry.

Am I dreaming? Shake me up vigorously, tell me to step out of it.

I looked back at my PA, who stood there shaking nervously.

"Are you sure?" tell me no.

She just nodded impatiently. Her face filled with lines of tension and nervousness.

"All the warriors are leaving. Your Majesty is about to leave too." I could only stand there blankly.

Neel is leaving.

As soon as it hit me, I started running down towards his quarters.

On floors and stairs, that I once couldn't walk on easily, now had me running over them.

One year is no small amount.

I cannot challenge death. My own voice spoke to me. I abruptly halted in my way. Is this war the reason, that Neel will die in the modified history.

Will this war really be that cruel, that a king, who has successfully fought over 156 battles, will finally die.

Will really Neel leave before me?


I am uploading this the first thing in the morning. And trust me I have stayed up till 4 last night to get this done. 

ofcourse I have written more than this, I'll upload them slowly. And hopefully if everything goes well, I'll finish this book by this weekend.

Let's see. 

Till then, take care.

I love you.

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