Chapter 4-

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As you and Aether approached the great tree of Windrise, you saw the green clad bard's small figure gazing up at it's enormous lush branches. He turned around when he noticed your presence.

"Oh? What are you two doing here? Though I was just wondering if you would happen to follow me," Venti folded his arms.

"We want to know more about the Anemo God," Aether stated.

"You speak of the God of Anemo, Barbatos?" Venti gave a questioning look, "He already disappeared from Mondstadt a long time ago. Liyue and Inazuma's respective gods of Geo and Electro are still present, but Mondstadt has seen many a moon since they last saw their own god. Why do you wish to know about the God of Anemo? Does it have something to do with Dvalin?"

"Yes, someone told us about Dvalin's past," you half lied.

"Oh really?"

You and Aether recited to Venti the information Lisa had told you.

"Is that so? Quite the scholar I must say, that Lisa. She's not wrong, the conflict has reached this point because both sides have resorted to the use of force," Venti then began to tell you of Dvalin's corruption from the Abyss Order, explaining this organisation known as 'the enemies of mankind'.

"Before arriving here, I too was like Dvalin, cursed and left to waste. But now, before us stands the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero, the place from which Monstadt rose.

"The wind among the branches is good, I love the way it smells. Being here with you two underneath this great tree feels like when the crystal was purified earlier, like the poison leaving my body," Venti took a breath, "Mmm, feels much better."

"So, how exactly did you get poisoned?" Aether asked.

"Ahh, that was 'cause I tried to communicate with Dvalin earlier but was *ahem* interrupted. As a result, not only did I not manage to help Dvalin break from his curse, but instead was also infected myself," Venti narrowed his eyes at you both.

"Oh.. that was.."

"Yes it was you!"

You and Aether glanced at each other awkwardly.

"So to make up for it, you're coming with me to the Cathedral!" Venti had a hint of mischievousness to his expression.

"Huh? The Cathedral? To do what exactly?" you asked suspiciously.

"To claim a certain 'Holy Lyre der Himmel'," Venti gave you a grin before taking off back to Mondstadt. You and Aether followed him before stopping outside the grand entrance of the Church.

"So this 'Holy Lyre der Himmel' is..?" you awaited the bard's reply.

"One of the most treasured items in Mondstadt, it's the lyre that Barbatos used to play. With it, perhaps I can help Dvalin draw his gentle nature back out of this nightmare he's going through," Venti explained.

"Will it really stop Stormterror causing all this damage?" Aether questioned hopefully.

"Of course, I'm the best bard in the world! There's not a single song I don't know, whether it's from the past, present or future," Venti leaned forwards slightly, "Look me in the eyes, do you not find me trustworthy?"

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