Chapter 18-

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As you headed to the point marked on Ningguang's map, you realised the area was in fact some old ruins, ones crawling with Fatui at that. After fighting off the numerous agents guarding it, you called Aether over to a peculiar arrangement that caught your eye.

"Hey Aether, look at this. Aren't these similar to the talisman Childe gave us?" you questioned him.

"The Sigils of Permission? Yeah, they are. Actually, they're identical," he leant down to examine the charms. "Hm, look at this paper," he said as he slid it across the crate it was on.

You picked up relatively fresh sheet of paper. "Is this... a design? For the Sigils? And if they're creating this many then..."

"It must be part of a bigger plan," Aether finished as he stood up with hands on his hips.

You furrowed your brows, "Huh... Guess we'll have to wait and see what it is."

"Unfortunately, yeah. But for now, let's go find Zhongli at Dihua Marsh."

Said man greeted you as you arrived at the marsh. "Right on time. I myself only arrived moments ago. Did you enjoy your visit to the Jade Chamber?"

"Yes! It was so big and pretty and fancy and expensive...." you recalled the luxurious walls of decor inside.

"Indeed. It's second to none in all of Liyue. Then you met with Ningguang, I trust? What did you talk about with her?" he questioned.

"Oh she was very rich and generous, more friendly than the Yuheng, I'd say," you said.

"Oh, so you also met with Keqing then? What did she have to say?" he asked.

"She said that the time of the adepti has long passed, and that even if the Qixing don't want to face that truth, what future is there for Liyue?" Aether recited.

Zhongli shook his head lightly, "Haha, no respect for the divine. Indeed, contrary to the ever-bold Keqing, Ningguang is more of a businesswoman at heart, though they are both members of the Qixing. Although she's friendly, there's no way of discerning her true intentions."

"Ningguang is highly ambitious," you added.

"Yes," Zhongli nodded, "She has only relied on herself to rise to her current position. No ordinary person could ever achieve that."

Remembering your previous mini-investigation, you and Aether decided to tell Zhongli of the Fatui's deeds you had discovered.

"Hmm... No matter what they may be planning, you must always be careful when dealing with the Fatui. Always be on your guard."

"So, is there anything we need for the Rite of Parting in Dihua Marsh?" you asked, steering the topic away from evil scheming.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, there is. Today we'll be gathering wild glaze lilies," Zhongli said.

"But can't we find glaze lilies in a bunch of other places in Liyue? Why come all the way out here?" you questioned.

"The glaze lilies you speak of have all been gardened by people, those won't do at all. Dihua Marsh used to be full of glaze lilies. It is a sort of joyful flower that listens to human song. Before the Archon War, Dihua Marsh was all dry land and fertile soil. But the war caused landslides and the land was flooded, turning it into the marsh you see now. Nearly all the glaze lilies were wiped out. Some were preserved by people, but little know that they may still be found out in the wild. Wild glaze lilies have the strongest fragrance. If we want to follow the true tradition of the Rite of Parting, we must grind up the wild lilies and place the powder in a censer of everlasting incense. But I'll need your assistance in gathering these flowers."

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