Chapter 14-

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The next day, you arrived at Northland Bank. Childe wasn't inside so you entered the building. Although the room was decorated like a typical Liyue interior, the place had a frosty chill lingering in the air, reflected by the cold gaze of disapproving Fatui agents. The masked woman behind the front desk greeted you both as you walked up.

"Welcome Aether and (Y/N), friends of Childe," she said, "And congratulations on the first day of your illustrious career with the Fatui."

"We don't have any intention of joining the Fatui," Aether blankly stated.

"And who said we were Childe's friends!" you exclaimed.

"You sound remarkably sure of yourselves..." she mused, "Remember, we are mere mortals— our ideas are fluid like water. Only the Tsaritsa truly has a will as solid as the permafrost. But back to the matter at hand, Childe tells me that he has upheld his end of your agreement."

"What agreement?" you questioned, "Ohh the thing about him helping us find a guy?"

"Correct," she nodded, "Childe promised he would find someone to break the stalemate. And the Harbingers do not break their promises lightly."

"Ah. Where is he anyway?" Aether asked.

"Childe is currently at Liuli Pavilion," she said.

"Liuli Pavilion?" he questioned.

"Oh, I know about this!" you cleared your throat, " There are two styles of cooking in Liyue, known as Li style and Yue style. They have been competing for centuries, but neither has emerged as the clear winner. The flagship restaurant of the Li style is the Liuli Pavilion. The owner especially chose to open the restaurant at Feiyun Slope, so they could compete face-to-face with the Xinyue Kiosk, which is the flagship restaurant of the Yue style."

Aether facepalmed, "You're like this every time we talk about food..."

"Shush," you narrowed your eyes, "Anyway, I'm hungry! Let's get moving."

You and Aether used your map of Liyue to navigate your way to the Liuli Pavilion. Childe idly stood outside the entrance. 

"Aha, you made it," he smiled, "As promised, I have found someone who can help you. Someone who can solve the mystery of why the Liyue Qixing would hide the Geo Archon's vessel."

"So where are they? Inside the pavilion?" you asked.

"He certainly is. Come," Childe turned, "I'll introduce you. I took the liberty of setting up a business dinner, as per the Liyue custom."

Two people, presumably staff members, greeted Childe at the door.

"Welcome back sir. You honour us with your patronage," one gestured to the door, "Mr. Zhongli is awaiting your arrival in the room you booked."

You and Aether looked around in awe at the elegant decor lining the walls as Childe led you to a room. Inside sat a man at the food laden table sipping tea.

His hair was a dark brown, fading lighter at the edges and of the same colours of his neat suit adorned with many silver bordering gold accents. He wore an amber gem on his tie and each of his gloves, which were black and had rings over the top of them. A single earring hung next to a rather defined jaw, serious and powerful as the rest of his features were.

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