Chapter 5-

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You and Aether met Venti outside the Cathedral on a shadier part of the street, out of the way of the building's lights. The three of you began to discuss who should be the grand thief.

"What if we both went in, that way if one person gets caught they'll draw the attention of all the guards and the other one can quickly grab the Lyre," you suggested.

"Sounds good," Venti agreed.

"I'm surprised you didn't just pass this off to me," Aether said saltily.

"Well I have to make sure you're not doing too bad of a job in there."

You and Aether then silently crept into the basement. There you saw a maze of furniture patrolled by guards that led to the Lyre. The two of you went separate ways, sneakily navigating through the labyrinth until you reached the archway containing the prize at the same time.

Hastily, you made a grab for the Holy Lyre however someone beat you to it. A masked lady dressed in black and purple with short green hair snatched and held the lyre to her chest. She looked similar to the person Jean was talking to.

"Who are you?!" you exclaimed in shock and annoyance.

She simply smiled and put a finger to her lips as Aether reached for her, unexpectedly disappearing in a flash of purple. You and him looked around wildly but there was nothing there.

"She just disappeared!"

Suddenly, a guard ran up to the room, "Stop! What are you doing in here?!"

"Oh no we gotta go..."

You and Aether ran back up through the basement, dodging the guards and flying out of the Cathedral. You saw Venti sitting on the wall outside.

"We're busted run!" you called to him.

"What?? Follow me," Venti jumped off the wall and began to glide away, you and Aether in tow.

Eventually, the bard led you into a building containing a brunette man behind what looked like a bar, and he seemed to be talking to another person with a red ponytail. They turned when noticing you three walk in.

"Hi! We'd like a seat at your... ahhh least conspicuous table!" Venti nervously said.

The red head spoke, "Um, the second floor has fewer customers, you'd be less conspicuous up there. But aren't you a bard? Why not sit front and centre?"

"Haha, we'll save the paid performance for next time. We'll be heading up now, see you in a bit!"

As you reached the second floor, you looked down to the first as two knights burst in through the door.

"Ah, Master Diluc! Have you seen two thieves around?" one of them frantically asked.

"What happened? Why have you mobilised so many guards?" the red haired man folded his arms.

"Haven't you heard? Two thieves were trying to steal the Holy Lyre!" the second guard hurriedly explained.

"Oh? How odd."

The guards hastily nodded, "Isn't it? The Holy Lyre is a treasure that was played by the God of Anemo themselves! Such a precious piece of cultural heritage—"

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