My Headcannons of Shoto's Past

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Just getting my thoughts all out here, don't mind me babes. Remember these are all my head cannons, so don't let these affect your views of the BNHA characters. And most of these Headcannons are cannon to my ShigaTodo book plus the LOV+Shoto book.

Let's start off with school life:

So, I believe like up until Shoto was 13 he was home schooled. Enji most likely would've wanted Shoto away from distractions such as friends and homework that would keep him away from training. Enji wanted to hammer the idea of becoming a hero into his son's head, unknowing that he was making the child despise anything that had to do with heroes and become insanely introverted. Like, going out in public near strangers would send him into a panic.

When Shoto starts going to school, he does very well because he's an extremely intelligent person. Throughout his years in school he's usually at the top of his classes, getting straight A's with the occasional B and once in a blue moon a C. The only thing I could see him struggling with is history. I can imagine Todoroki being annoyed that he has to learn something that probably happened hundreds of years ago. That knowledge really won't benefit him any, but he still did the work.

Todoroki also avoid his classmates. The one thing that Shoto had learned from his father was that relationships were nothing but distractions, so he wasn't at all interested in the idea of friendship. Plus whenever he talked to his classmates, they found it difficult to understand him and his intentions. Shoto was also very confused by the way his classmates talked, thought and acted, which was childishly. I mean, they were just getting into their teenage years, it was only natural that they clung onto their childish behavior. Plus all kids are annoying, so Todoroki mainly just kept away from them all.

However, this behavior gave Todoroki the title as 'The Weird Kid', therefore he was bullied. At first it was just Todoroki being mocked/made fun of, the occasional hair pull and being shoved around in the halls. But as time grew on, kids grew crueler and so did the bullying. It got so severe that Shoto would bullied every single minute of the day. Be it in the hallways, classrooms, library, restrooms, cafeteria, and even while he was walking back home. No one ever bothered to help him for fear of their popularity/reputation be damaged and becoming bullied as well, so Todoroki was left to be always watching his own back.

Home life (basically Shoto's relationship with each family member:

Enji Todoroki -
Uuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh....Alright let's get this guy over with.

We're all familiar with Shoto being his father's 'masterpiece' because of his quirk. I believe that as soon as Shoto's quirk awakened, and it happened to be exactly what Enji needed, any and all other things Shoto was interested in he was forced to drop. Like if he had another option for his life, such as becoming a teacher or some other job. What I'm saying is from age five Enji had already planned out his masterpiece's life, which would be mainly surrounding Shoto surpassing All Might and living out Endeavor's dreams.

I do believe at one point that Shoto did want to become a hero, I mean it seems like every kid in the bnha universe wants to become a hero at some point. But how many do you actually think go through with it? By the age of like eight Shoto's dream of being a hero had most definitely died, and that's about when his hatred for heroes and anything that had to do with them began to grow. Shoto's view on heroes became centered around his father, who was the #2 pro hero for the longest time.
From what he saw of his father, Shoto began to believe that heroes were the following attributes;

-Heroes would only help those who would give them more public appeal. If saving someone didn't do much for their career, they wouldn't bother to save them at all.
-Heroes only saved people to receive some type of reward, be it money, fame, status or praise.
-If Heroes didn't get what they wanted on their own, they would use others to hell achieve their dreams/wants.
-Heroes believe that just because they save people that they deserve respect.
-Heroes were like a virus that infected everyone around them, especially children. They forced others to become Heroes especially if they had a powerful quirk, not caring if that person had dreams that didn't involve heroism. And if you didn't have dreams of being a Hero, you were seen as below everyone else and shoved aside or you would be forced into heroism. Heroes have also infected the government/police into letting them do whatever they want without any consequences. They could have caused most of the damage that destroyed half of a city while fighting villains, and it would all be pinned on the 'bad guy'.
(Basically Shoto sees Heroes as an illness/virus that need to be destroyed/cured)
Some other things Shoto 'learned' from his father was;
-You shouldn't respect anyone unless they are more powerful than you or they are on par with you.
-Relationships, be it in family/family/partners, are nothing more that distractions for ones success. (Shoto grows out of this belief gradually)

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