My Todoroki Shoto Headcanons

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These are my headcanons/describing my villain version of Shoto. Keep in mind these are semi-based off the actual manga and anime, but most are just me coming up with shit that--at least to me--sounds 100% like Shoto.

1. I made a whole ass rant about this in my ShigaTodo book, so I'mma keep this one short: Shoto has some form of autism. You can't change my mind--I BET it's cannon! There is just too many signs in the manga + anime--his distinctive strengths, anxiety and depression, limited facial and emotional expressions, etc--that I find it hard to not believe.

2. As a child--especially from six years old until he was about sixteen--Shoto was mute. With all the abuse and neglect coming from his home life, not to mention the bullying he probably had at school, his brain pretty much shut down. This made it to where Todoroki didn't talk at all, not even to his siblings or teachers who we're concerned for him.

3. Remember Yandere Simulator? Remember Ayano's backstory video where she talks about never having once growing up experienced like happiness or any other emotions like that? (I tried finding the video but I think it was deleted) Well, that's how I imagine Shoto was growing up. He felt no emotions, especially after Rei wa sent away. But even when she was around, Shoto faked most emotions just to make her happy. He did this by copying how his siblings acted when they showed what he assumed was happiness. The only true emotions he had ever felt was anger/fear/pity--mainly towards Endeavor.
However, this changed when he met Shigaraki and joined the League. Handy-Man is the first person Icy-Hot ever felt any sort of genuine positive emotions around.

4. You know that little kicking thing little kids do with there foot/feet when their nervous, bored, or getting scolded at? I imagine Shoto doing it while waiting around for something. Like imagine; Aizawa is giving instructions for that days training and Shoto is at the back of his class with his head bowed, arms held behind his back and lazily kicking at the floor with the tip of his shoe and heel.
It'd be sooo adorable!!!

5. I imagine Shoto having an feminine look to his body, but I don't believe he has like zero muscles like how he's portrayed in bottom Shoto fan art/fanfictions. I mean in some of those he nearly has a woman's body! Draw what you want, I'm not one to judge you--because what would that do for either of us?--but if you're trying to be realistic that's not how it would go. My guy has been training since he was like five years old, and even though I can't imagine him being absolutely RIPPED, he's at least going to have some meat on him. 
Here's some pictures that kinda portray how I think he looks and how his teeth look cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:

  Here's some pictures that kinda portray how I think he looks and how his teeth look cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:

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