More Todoroki Shoto Headcanons Pt2

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More cause I have stuff to talk about.

1. He has a fear of any colors fire naturally comes in: red, orange, yellow, blue and white. But it's mainly directed to red and blue. Shoto himself is unsure where these irrational fears started--more on that later--though he doesn't like calling it a 'fear'. He claims he 'just doesn't like those colors'. If you looked in his wardrobe it's mainly dark colors and blacks.
His fear of these colors has dwindled over time, mostly thanks to the League and his friends at UA, but he still can't stand being in a room filled with all or just one of those colors. Like if you put Shoto into a room that was completely only red or blue, he'd probably close his eyes and cover his face with his hands.
Like most of his fears, this came from his childhood. Each color is specific to one individual:
Red (plus orange and yellow to some degree) - Enji Todoroki
White - Rei Todoroki
Blue - Touya Todoroki

2. As a result to try and forget the trauma he went through, Shoto's brain began blocking out memories from his childhood. Sort of like a defense mechanism. But around the time he joined the League--specifically after meeting All For One for the first time--those memories began returning, much to Shoto's own despair. The things he did remember we're bad enough, but now he had to deal with another boatload of this bullshit??

3. For the longest time Shoto believed he wasn't interested in ever finding love plus all the little things that came with that. He absolutely did NOT want marriage nor had he ever think about it, much less a basic relationship. Because of this, Shoto never really explored his sexuality or really tried figuring himself out. However one day when he was around 14 he went to get the mail like Fuyumi had asked him to. Inside their mail box he found one of those 'special' Pro Heroes magazines that Natsuo was subscribed to. Because of his curiosity of why Natsuo was interested in such magazines, Shoto snuck the magazine into his room to investigate later on.
That night he began flipping through the pages and didn't find much interest in the women Pro Heroes on the pages--though he was jealous because he found their bodies pretty compared to his own--but that stopped when he reached the men Pro Heroes section. These pages included Present Mic, Fatgum, Kamui Woods, Rock Lock, Eraserhead (lost a bet with Mic) and Hawks.
Yeah, he realized then that he really likes guys.

4. To be honest even Shoto doesn't know what gender he really associates with. He mainly goes by and is called a male, but he isn't against being referred to as a girl or a non binary. He usually tells people to refer to him as whatever they feel most comfortable using. Most of the clothing he wears is gender fluid as well, making it harder for both others and himself to figure out what he is.

5. More along the lines of discovering himself, Shoto had crushes on Hawks, Eraserhead and Rock Lock. But nowadays these past crushes are pretty much nonexistent.

6. He periodically burns off the hair--besides his head + eyebrows-- from his body. It grows in the same half red on the left side and half white on the right side all over his body and he finds it weird looking, so he burns it off.
*Smooth like butter starts playing*

7. Todoroki made a poncho in one of his classes and made seven more for the League. Yes, he even made Dabi one.

8. One night Fuyumi had a nightmare about what she had done to Shoto as children--(if you're unfamiliar with this incident, check out the first chapter where I talk about my headcanons about Shoto's past)--and she couldn't help but feel tremendous shame and guilt. As she should, bitch. So, taking her blanket and pillow, she went to his room; Enji wasn't home that night, so she knew she was in the clear. Fuyumi laid beside Shoto's futon and went back to sleep, but little had she known Shoto was awoken by her entrance. He just acted like he has still been asleep. Instead of waking her up and kicking her out or carrying her back to her room, Shoto actually switched places with her--moving her on his bed and he slept on the floor.

Even though he hates Fuyumi and Natsuo for never helping and abusing him themselves, he doesn't necessarily hate them fully. Even though he should. It's definitely a love/hate like he has with Dabi/Touya. He knows their intentions now are good and they want to have a healthy relationship with him, he just can't bring himself to trust them fully. He cares for and loves his siblings, and he wants nothing more for them to be have a happy healthy  mindset and family. But for them to have that, he knows he can't be a part of it.

9. More along sibling love--his relationship with Dabi is complicated. He mainly hates the guy, but he can't deny that he does care to some extent. He doesn't want him getting mortally wounded, nor does he enjoy when him and Hawks get into serious arguments that leave Dabi bleeding from the patches under his eyes. Sure, they beat each other around and argue quite a lot, but neither really truly downright hates the other. It's like 93% of the time their busy trying to murder one another and the final 7% is actual brotherly love. It's a rule in their relationship that if either of them die it will be by the other's hand; nothing else will kill them but each other.

10. It's hard for Shoto to make expressions and change the tone of his voice. It's like the muscles just won't let him express the emotions he does feel. It's why he looks and sounds so monotone and blunt all the time. Emotions are hard enough for him to process and label, so the fact that he can't really express anything pisses him off. Especially if it makes someone else he actually gives a shit about upset.

11. He is growing his hair out because Endeavor always made him keep it short. This was due to his son being mistaken many a times for a girl when his hair got past his ears, so he made sure that Shoto's hair was shor to ensure people that he was a boy. Kurogiri has offered to cut it for him, but Shoto always refused.

12. Todoroki doesn't do it as much as he had, but he used to just communicate by writing down what he had to say in a notepad he carried around. The first time he spoke at UA without his notepad was to tell Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka and Bakugou that their reasons for becoming heroes were both confusing and vapid. Bakugou of course began screeching at the fire/ice user for this comment, to which Shoto called the ash blonde vac u out before reverting back to his notepad communication.

13. His resting face can be seen as completely blank or as a resting bitch face.

14. If he were to ever meet his grandmother, Teka, Shoto would honestly be a bit nervous. He isn't good around strangers in general, now he was dealing with one he is related to?? My boy would be borderline panicking.
(I know, I still need to write a chapter about them meeting. I'm working on it)

15. Shoto has realized that he had to grow up at a young age, but now that he's free to do as he pleases with the League, he finds himself acting sort of like a child at times. With his innocence and wonder about stuff he missed out on as a kid.
This is why I see First Love / Late Spring by Mitski as a song that perfectly suits Shoto.

16. Literally any of Mitski's songs fit Shoto in some way, shape or form.

17. Shoto chews on his cuticles, inner lips + cheeks and

18. One of his favorite american horror movies is House of 1000 Corpses.

19. Shoto and Teka actually look a lot alike, and if Shoto had been born a woman he would've been like the spitting image of his grandmother.

20. He can sleep literally anywhere. He sleeps standing up, sitting, laying down on his back, sides, stomach and even hanging upside down like a damn bat. He can also sleep in the most crazy environment and he won't wake up. Literally only Shigaraki or Kurogiri can wake him.

21. Sometimes Twice and Shoto will randomly start playing a game where Sho waves his hand around and Twice tries to catch it. It's childish but then again these two are basically big babies.

22. Shoto randomly holds onto Spinner's tail when sitting beside each other. He does the same thing with Ojiro.

23. He doesn't have much of an appetite, so during meals he only allows himself to eat a small portion of food. And even then after eating so much of the same food, it begins to make him feel sick.

24. He doesn't like reality TV, it makes him anxious.

25. He gets random shivers even though his is not cold. This is caused by built up anxiety that he just bottles up.

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