The Clairvoyant - Chapter 1

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Hello everyone,

I have taken the liberty to let my creativity run wild and explore an unknown universe of the MCU that springs from my own imagination. None of it is canon in any aspect, nor is it my intention to be completely accurate in any way. So there will be some overlap, but there will also be changes to exactly the same degree. I just wanted to have fun and imagine a new generation of the Avengers while putting my own stamp on it. So think of it all as an alternate reality with variants of the characters. I have decided to call this reality Earth-671.

This is far from the first story I've written, but it is the first I've published, and it is also not written in my mother tongue. So, please be nice 😊

Without further ado; enjoy!

P.S. Just for publishing reasons neither the world nor the majority of the characters are my own and belong to Marvel.


Chapter 1

The rain pelted down from the sky onto the dirty car park of "Whole foods". Except for one van and a black Chevrolet C10 in very poor condition, it was mostly empty.

The long coat of the woman unloading her groceries into the Chevrolet dripped with wetness, and her combat boots shuffled busily about. It was obvious she didn't mind getting wet.

She paused as she became aware of the muffled sound of footsteps that could be heard despite the heavy thunderstorm.

It did not occur to her in the least to turn around, it would make no difference. Therefore, she closed her eyes and allowed her thoughts to jump around freely.

Images of the person behind her flooded her otherwise calm thoughts, immersing her in a jumbled chaos of articles, conversations, his blond hair and sturdy figure. His seemingly impossible age and the first words he wanted to address to her.

It all happened in a split second.

Just the blink of an eye before she ducked out of the car and left her purchased goods behind.

"Steve Rodgers," she called out to him as she turned around. She was aware that he had been watching her for a while, but his decision to finally approach her must have been spontaneous.

Her fingers curled tensely around the edge of the car door.

Of course, she had a rough idea of what he wanted from her; however, she could never be sure. People tended to change their minds often, which in turn made it difficult to predict.

"Rynn Blevins," he replied, coming closer and trying to appear cool and relaxed. He was anything but, she could sense that.

When Steve got closer and was finally able to examine her at his leisure, he was neither surprised nor sure about what he expected to find. She was small but obviously trained, evident in her erect posture. Her brown curls hung wetly from her head, as did her clothes.

From her file he had known of her blindness and that she had been born with it.

And yet he had not expected the milky veil that settled over her iris and pupil.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Mr Rodger?" asked Rynn emphatically, her hand still on the car door. Now the rain was falling at an awkward angle, so the passenger seat was getting wet.

He licked his lips. Unsure where to start. She could sense his indecision, the images coursing through her head unwilling to take tangible form.

"Natasha Romanoff told me about you," he said simply.

He didn't know where he wanted to take this conversation. Being approached by a stranger in a car park had to be strange enough. That he also asked her to accompany him to the Avengers' compound had to be downright deviant. If he were in her place, he wouldn't follow either.

Now she let go of the car door to cross her arms in front of her chest. Annoyance rose in her.

It was wet and cold and really she had just wanted to do her shopping before getting back to work. A chat with the hero of America had not been on her to-do list.

"Listen Mr Rodger, if you have nothing to say to me, please let me drive home in peace. I don't have all day, even if that sounds absurd."

"Can we go somewhere dry, then I can explain everything to you in peace," he suggested, to which she frowned. He himself was proud for having found a way not to make his intention too obvious

With a significant sigh, Rynn slammed the car door shut before pulling a cane from her deep coat pocket and unfolding it routinely.

"I have half an hour."


Thank every single person for reading. I hope you enjoyed and will come back. I am open for every feedback.

Have a good week!

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