The Clairvoyant - Chapter 7

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Hello y'all! Todays chapter is somewhat shorter than usual, but nevertheless important. I was quite busy this past week, which is why I didn't manage to write more.

I hope you like it anyway.

All the best and have a magical week!


Chapter 7

The building lay silent. Only Rynn's anxiously muffled footsteps could be heard and the light scrape of her cane as she nimbly moved it across the floor. Back and forth, back and forth. The familiar movement managed to slightly calm her.

"Past the stairs, through the door to the lift," she recalled the route to her room in a hushed tone.

The sounds of the storm outside the windows changed to a ghostly gasp that made Rynn shiver. Normally she would have snuggled under the warm blanket in her flat by now, where it was draughty, and had prayed that the electricity would not fail again.

Here, the storm seemed so different and unknown, as if every change of the winds direction could surprise her, even though she was certain that nothing could harm her.

Maybe it was childish that a rainstorm with its horrendous thunder still scared her today. She herself wondered every time how people could calmly walk the streets or have a relaxing evening, whilst the world seemed to come to an end.

The times she had survived them alone in her flat where the worst. When no one was around to comfort her.

To distract herself, she clicked her tongue a few times and listened motionlessly for the inevitable echo that soon carried back to her.

Something seemed different than it had been at noon.

The naked corridor must have changed its structure in some unfathomable way - or she was not alone. This possibility made her ears prick up immediately.

She squinted her eyes as she continued to listen tensely. Each of her muscles was on alert and prepared for both fight and flight.

A distinctive smell rose to her nostrils.

If someone had asked her what exactly she smelled, she would not have been able to find the right words to describe it.

Extraordinary was too average.

Supernatural perhaps?

In the end, she was sure that she had only noticed this smell once before and that had been during her walkabout just a few hours earlier.

Abruptly she stopped, clicking her tongue one last time, her cane raised so that it no longer touched the stone floor.

"Loki," she said in mock surprise into the thunderous silence.

Quietly he could hear him gasp in fright and then stir. "I thought you turned it for the night."

He cleared his throat sharply, tapping his chest with the flat of his hand before he began to speak.

"I was heading to the kitchen for a glass of water." His voice sounded occupied, which was probably because he had not said a single word since his arrival. At least she had not even heard a murmur from him.

"Wrong way," she returned, an underlying accusation in her voice, before she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Caught, he scoffed.

"Well, if we are being totally honest it isn't any of your business what I am doing," he hissed defensively and stormed past her, his shoulder roughly brushing hers.

Perplexed, Rynn stopped in place and listened for his footsteps fading into the distance.

What on earth had gotten into him? He could not even bring himself to spend time with them and now he presented her with this kind of attitude.

She did not even realise that their encounter had distracted her from her fear of the storm when she returned to her room for a good night of sleep.


I hope to see you again!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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