The Clairvoyant - Chapter 4

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Hello y'all! I'm so glad to see that there are quite a few of us now

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Hello y'all! I'm so glad to see that there are quite a few of us now.

We're meeting some new people in this chapter, so I hope you enjoy it - and please remember, I'm reinterpreting these Marvel characters in my own way.


Chapter 4

Natasha Romanoff stared at her. Rynn could almost feel her piercing gaze on her cold skin.

After Rynn had called the number Steve had given her in the diner, everything had happened very quickly. She had not even had to mention her strange vision to get the process started.

In the morning Steve sent two volunteers to help her pack her belongings into boxes and load them into a van. She was not exactly attached to her worn furniture and yet she had taken her father's heavy desk and the large armchair that had been in the living room of her family home.

Already three hours later they had been on their way. She did not know where they went exactly, because she had been given a lift in the huge van - of course, only after she had taken the promise from the two of them to get her car later.

Ever since she had entered the office of the infamous Natasha Romanoff, her eyes had not left her. Such looks always made Rynn uneasy. Just like the situations where people did not know how to react to her visual impairment. Actually, Rynn was pretty sure that Natasha was not staring at her because of that, but out of old habit. She would have gladly taken in more of the woman across from her than just her rough outline - and the annoying typing she had been producing with her pen on the desk for ages.

"How would you describe your skills," Natasha repeated her question after Rynn had not given an answer.

She made a perplexed noise and swayed her head back and forth.

"As visions, perhaps?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

"How do they manifest themselves in you?"

"With me, does that mean you know of others with this disposition?" Ability or talent sounded stupid to her ears. Too spiritual for what it was actually doing to her. All that noise and fuzzy images that were not always helpful.

"Images, mostly. Sometimes sounds or emotions." She left the pain out of it. First, she wanted to gain a clearer understanding of her last - adventure herself.

"And can you evoke them in a controlled way, or direct them to a specific event?"

Emphatically, Rynn shook her head. "No it always quite overwhelms me. Especially when a situation hasn't been decided yet, it all seems quite hazy."


Natasha's pen scratched across paper. Rynn would have loved to know what part of her answer she was writing down. It might have sped up her progress with the disposition. After all, it had taken her a long time to come to terms with the visions. Compared to previous years, the images were now taking on concrete forms and the sounds had become more distinguishable. A few years ago that was not even a legitimate option she could think of.

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