The Clairvoyant - Chapter 5

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Here I go again!

I hope you had a wonderful week and treat yourself to a little time out by reading my new chapter ;)

Have fun!

And as always, I don't own the characters, I just took the liberty reinterpret them.


Chapter 5

At this point she had started to play around with the hole in her trousers again, intently listening to the hushed voices enveloping her.

Natasha and Steve stood at one end of the room; heads bent over a tablet in Nat's hand. Again, and again their worried glances wandered towards the door, stirring up the growing impatience of everyone.

"Why don't we start" Yelena wanted to know from Kate, resting her head on her girlfriend's lap. She had stretched out on the bench and was repeatedly throwing a rubber ball into the air that she had found on the floor of the hall.

Frowning, Billy glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"We're usually on time" he muttered tensely, looking around the room.

Shuri and Peter were now engaged in an animated conversation, which David listened to with rapt attention. You could literally see him absorbing their every word.

"Are we waiting for anyone else?" inquired Rynn. Although her visions had without a doubt told her that there would be nine of them. Still, the quavering images made her chest tighten with uncertainty.

The moment Kate attempted to answer, Steve clapped his hands. He towered above the small gathering; arms now crossed in front of his broad chest while he waited to finally get their undivided attention.

"We're not complete yet, but we need to get started." Raising his voice, he spoke of the past training session the rest of the group had gone through the night before. Of course, he could not miss out on the opportunity to point out various mistakes they had made. In the end, his statement boiled down to the fact that Yelena could easily take everyone else out and only David was real competition for her.

"Thanks to years of trauma," she grumbled to herself, absently picking at her cuticles. Consolingly, Kate put an arm around her shoulder after Tommy - insensitive as he seemed to be - snorted in suppressed laughter.

Rynn may not have known a lot about Yelena at this point, but she definitely did not believe her to be a weak personality. So, seeing her being comforted by her girlfriend in this way made her wonder what she had endured in her past.

"As you've probably all noticed, our team has gained another member." Natasha raised her voice and nodded towards Rynn. "Rynn Blevins is a registered clairvoyant with a special aptitude for technology. While she has had some combat training in the past, I imagine we'll have to give her quite a bit of help."

Quickly, Rynn nodded, squirming under the gazes of the others. She was already looking forward to the day when she was no longer "the new girl" and thus escaped the constant attention.

The door of the training room banged loudly against the wall before shuffling footsteps approached. Everyone cocked their heads in the direction of the person entering the room. Relief washed over Rynn as images flashed through her mind. Finally, clear visions of the young man she had only been able to make out dimly up to now.

Promptly she noticed that he was deliberately sitting down a couple of feed away. His breathing was forced down to a calm rhythm. Every demeanour screamed that he was not particularly willing to be here.

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