The Clairvoyant - Chapter 6

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Hello everyone.

I barely finished this for today. But here it is - the latest chapter. If necessary, I will revise it again in the next few days (if you see typos or any mistakes let me know), but I didn't want to leave you hanging so easily. Just to let you know if there are any updates in the next few days.

Best wishes and enjoy!


Chapter 6

After dinner, Kate and Yelena had taken Rynn into their midst and dragged her to the cozy common room. No matter how hard she protested, they had talked over her until they had finally stood in the doorway. 

So, Rynn promised herself that she would only stay for a civil hour and then leave immediatelly. She urgently needed rest and alone-time to process the eventful past few days.

Then, as soon as she had entered, she was met with a boisterous atmosphere. It smelled of cheap wine and fire that Billy had lit in a small wood stove. Everyone except Loki was there, laughing and joking in such a carefree way, Rynn could not do anything but join them.

Soon they had stretched out on the huge corner couch and allowed the trickling conversation wash over them freely. Everyone was huddled against one another. For outstanders they probably looked like a big pile out of tipsy giggling teens.

With a disgusted expression, Peter eyed Yelena, who was fishing a pickle directly out of the jar, then bit into it with an indulgent sound.

About an hour ago, she had snuck into the kitchen with the promise of stealing snacks - only to reappear a few minutes later with a lonely bag of chips and the pickles, claiming 'Pickles make everything better. Everything.'. Kate had then stopped talking to Yelena for a good twenty minutes out of sheer indignation and Tommy had tasted the first pickle of his life. He had quickly come to the conclusion that they were not for him.

"So," Tommy went on, definitely taking up most of the space on the couch with his legs spread wide. "Rynn."

She raised both eyebrows, curious what came next, and tilted her head listening.

"Would you say your blindness is a disadvantage when fighting?"

"Ey what is it with you and her visual impairment," Billy complained, obviously embarrassed by his brother's behaviour. His cheeks couted in light pink.

"That's a serious question in relation to our training. I personally imagine it's quite tedious to beat someone up without vision," Tommy defended himself with his hands gesticulating wildly as if that helped to convey his words faster. "Sorry Rynn I really didn't mean to offend you with that."

"It's okay." Smiling softly, she waved it off. "You're just forgetting one important factor in this consideration."

"Your visions," David interjected excitedly and jumped up and down on the couch, hands tuged underneath his thighs. Even at dinner, it had emerged from their conversation that David in particular was interested in her disposition.

She pointed to him and nodded encouragingly before continuing.

"As soon as someone makes a decision in a situation that involves me, I can see what is about to happen. Especially when there is danger involved, the visions always come to me. In the example of a fight, it's just images, but if something is going for a long time, it can expand to multiple senses."

Thoughtfully, Billy interlaced his fingers to rest his head in them. With difficulty, he searched for the right way to put the question swirling around in his head into words.

"So once a situation doesn't involve you, there's no way you can see it," he finally concluded. His words were spoken slowly and with deliberation, which made Rynn pause for a moment. It had always seemed logical to her that her own visions only referred to herself. Sure, sometimes she had wondered if there was not a catch to it, but in the end she had never looked into it further. Maybe she should not have given up so quickly, she thought.

"Exactly," she confirmed, at which Billy's brow furrowed caught up in his thoughts.

The rest of the group had gone unusually quiet and were following the exchange of words intently. Eyes flicking back and forth between them. When Billy did not ask any further questions, everyone began to ponder their own thoughts.

Outside it was already dark and Rynn listened to the wind clinking around the glass facades and the trees bending below its sheer force.

"I don't think your abilities are limited to just you. - Mine aren't either, and if I remember correctly from Mom's stories, Dr. Strange didn't have any limitations either." Searchingly, he looked to his twin brother, who agreed with him, stumbling.

"But didn't Dr Strange's powers come from one of the Infinity Stones and not from himself", David interjected with a highly concentrated expression on his face. By now he had stood up and was pacing restlessly around the room. The uneven rhythm of his steps suddenly made Rynn unusually irritated.

She had already wasted hours thinking about her disposition and looking for others who could have helped her. Of course, not all her efforts had been in vain, she had improved, but at some point she had simply settled for what she had achieved. She simply had not been willing to give more energy anymore.

Now that her visions were getting stronger, she wanted to seize control again. They could not be good for anyone at these levels, not to mention the risk of injury from the constant falls.

Unconsciously, she zoned out of the conversation, her mind wandering as the rest of the group continued their lively discussion. She was still aware of the volume of the group increasing and that Yelena gave Tommy a headlock over some stupid disagreement they had had. Her impressions blurred into a thick, adhesive mass that settled in her brain.

Jerkily, Rynn stood up.

Everything suddenly seemed overwhelming.

"Imma turn in. Good night."

Perplexed, the others looked after her as she unfolded her cane and rushed out of the room.

"Did we say something wrong", Yelena wanted to know in confusion and questioningly looked around at the others, her hands clasped on the back of the couch.

"I'll talk to her in the morning. Don't worry", Billy reassured her before leaving the common room too, a weird feeling lurking in his gut.


See you next week!

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