Part 5

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Hello and Welcome Back to FTR😇 Sorry for the delay and thank you for being so patient as I got all my OS madness out.
This is the longest chapter ever and has lots of dialogues so bear with me. This takes place the same night Akshara reached home in the first chapter and we finally get to see Abhimanyu's POV which was super difficult to write😅 After this chapter, I believe the story should start moving forward now that we have seen everyones POV during the last year😁

P.S. The mother we all wish Abhimanyu had makes an appearance here🥺

Enjoy Reading💕


Abhimanyu Birla was generally a man with a strict moral compass and an amazing sense of control. He never had a hidden agenda and was always ready to help anyone in distress. Social standings, money, publicity were all just words to him. To the world, he seemed perfect with his golden heart, handsome appearance and affluent background but just as with any human, he was flawed.

The world was black and white and relationships, love especially, made absolutely no sense to him. He, himself, was surrounded by relationships or rather business deals that had failed to hold any warmth or peace. Being constantly surrounded by two faced, selfish people had left its mark on him.

His anger, rare but uncontrollable when incited, was one result of his pained past. Another result was his lack of trust in people and such relations and so by a rather young age he had decided to stay away from people and these...feelings and trappings. But of course that was before he had met Akshara Goenka.

Akshara Goenka was reason for both his greatest joy and deepest regret.

At first it was just her voice. Music had always been his sole companion. It was the only way he could drown out the world and its rubbish chatter. Music was his distraction from the pain he'd held in his heart. Then one day, he'd heard a beautiful voice and he'd lost some of the control he so heavily prided himself on.

In that short amount of time that he spent chasing the voice like a madman, he had come to a startling realization. His treasured headphones, his loud, almost obnoxious beats were merely a bandaid. One used to cover the injury and hide the pain but this voice? This voice had the power to completely heal his heart and soul. This one voice had the ability to bring peace to his tortured soul and allow his lonely heart some much needed respite.

Unlike what most would think, it wasn't that the voice was the most melodious one he had ever heard. It was, of course, angelic but what had captured his heart was the resounding pain and loneliness he could hear hidden behind the beauty. What most would overlook in favour of the dulcet voice, his heart had recognized and why not? After all, his heart had become prisoner to the same pain and loneliness.

It had to be fate guiding them. First hearing only her voice, then almost meeting face to face at the hospital and helping her overcome her panic attack. Finally, being drawn once again by her voice, just in time to save her from the rogue boys. Seeing her for the first time was mesmerizing. An innocent, natural beauty to match with the soothing voice and without realizing it, he had fallen into the same feelings and trappings he had been dead-set on avoiding.

Three days. Three days was all it took and he had fallen hard. Three days and his entire belief system was completely flipped around. Three days and his heart had recognized its soulmate.

No, he didn't know what caused the pain she hid behind her radiant smiles. He didn't know the secrets behind her panic attacks. He didn't know the tragedies she held so closely guarded in her heart. But to be fair, he had assumed he'd have a lifetime to uncover those secrets.

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