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"but it's still rock and roll to me."

The last few lines of It's Still Rock and Roll to Me played through my headphones as I looked out the window. Realizing my stop was coming up I put my jacket and backpack on as I stood up in my seat. I took my headphones off and let them sit on my shoulders as I made my way to the front of the bus. I could just barely hear the tune of All For Leyna begin to play as I got off the bus and made my way inside.

"I'm home!"

No answer. I looked to the fridge to find a note from my mom.

"Debby asked me to cover her shift for her. I'll be home around ten. Love you. -Mom"

I shrugged to myself as I made my way into the living room. "I guess Pizza it is for tonight," I said to myself. Before I could even sit my butt on the couch the phone began to ring.

"ugh," I groaned as I got up to answer the phone that's mounted on the kitchen wall.


"hi Victoria"

I smile as I instantly recognize the voice as none other than Dean Winchester.

"Hi there Winchester" I grin. "does this mean you've made it to your next hotel?" I asked.

"no, not yet we're still on the road. I just figured since I've got nothing better to do while I wait for my dad to pump gas I could call you." Dean said.

I leaned against the wall as Dean and I chat on the phone. I can't believe he actually remembered to call. I figured he'd forget all about me since we knew each other for such a short time.

"oh, are you using a payphone or something?"

"yep. By the way, we aren't going to a hotel this time. My dad said he taking us to stay with a friend of ours. We've stayed with him a few times before and when we go we stay for a while. So at least we don't have to worry about switching numbers for a while."

"that is once you even give me this guy's number" I smirked.

"oh yeah, I guess I could give it to you now. Like I said he's a friend of ours so I pretty much have his number memorized." Dean began reciting the man's number. As he did so I wrote it down on the note my mom had written earlier. Once he finished giving me the number he explained that the man's name was Bobby and that they were pretty close. Apparently, they stayed with him often.

"and you're sure Bobby won't mind me having his number?" I asked

"oh sure it'll be fine. He might kick us off the line every now and then though; he makes a lot of calls during the day since he works from home"

"uh-huh... Speaking of work You never told me what it is your dad does. Why do you guys move so often?"

"umm... To be honest I don't even really know. All I know is that someday I'm gonna have to do the same"

Why did I feel like he was lying?

It's probably nothing after all most kids don't really know what their parents do. Plus If I were John's kid I wouldn't really want to talk to him either he sorta seems... horrible. I shouldn't say that. I barely know him. Maybe he was just having a bad day that Halloween. Probably not though.

"Do you want to do what he does?"

"I don't know. I don't really have any other plans." Dean sounded as if he didn't really want to follow his dad, he just didn't want to admit it.

I could hear someone talking in the background and if I really listened I could almost make out Sam's voice.

"hey, I got to go. It was nice talking with you Victoria" Dean said.

"yeah you too!"

"I'll call you when we get to Bobby's. Bye Victoria"

"bye Dean"


"come on Dean dad's gonna be wondering where his food is," Sam said as he walked past, arms full of food.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming," I said as I put the old pay Phone back on its post. I jogged to catch up to sam and grabbed my hot dog from him along with my Dr.pepper.

"finally, took you long enough," dad said once we got back in the car.

"Sorry, dad there was a line" Sam was quick to lie as he handed Dad his food.

"sure, whatever. Let's just get to Bobby's as fast as we can" Dad grumbled before taking a bite out of his fried chicken.

Soon enough Sam and I began passing notes once again.

"so how'd it go?" Sam wrote.

"good. I went ahead and gave her Bobby's number for when we get there" I wrote back.

I waited for a few seconds for a response and finally, Sam threw the paper back. However, when I unrolled the paper there was nothing on it.

I whipped my head back to face Sam.

"there's nothing here idiot"

"I'm aware," Sam said with a grin.

"then why did you throw it at me?"

"cuz I felt like it"

I rolled my eyes and threw the paper back at him, making sure to throw it harder than usual. The rest of the five hours went by fairly quickly, though, were painfully boring. I tried to play music at one point but dad was quick to shut that down claiming I 'wouldn't know real music if it hit me in the face'

I couldn't be happier when we finally pulled into Bobby's yard. Sam and I were quick to get our stuff out of the car and make our way onto the front porch. Sam got there first and knocked on the door. It wasn't long before Bobby answered and let us in.

" it's nice to see you boys again," Bobby said as he let us inside.

"you too john," he said as he shook hands with our father.

"to what do I owe the pleasure?" Bobby asked dad.

"I got a job I got to do and I think it's gonna take me a while. Figured it'd be better if you watch em' while I get it all sorted out" Everyone in the room knew that was a lie but no one said anything.

"how long is a while?" Bobby questioned Dad.

"eh, who knows two, three weeks? You don't mind, do you?"

"three weeks John?" Bobby Sighed. "What about school? That's a long time to be out."

"Just enroll them in the nearby school. Dean can drive them there in the morning just give them one of your old cars."

"Alright, John whatever you say," Bobby said with a sigh.

"thank you, Bobby. See you soon." And without so much as a goodbye, Dad left.

"Alright, boys what did you do this time to make your dad wanna stay gone for so long?" Bobby asked as soon as dad was gone to which we explained the whole situation with Victoria and how we let her in the hotel room without permission.

"damn boys you sure did get yourselves in a pickle this time." Bobby simply chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2024 ⏰

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