Chapter one: the truth

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Stay” was the only thing I said as he was walking down the stairs. I know now that he was doing the right thing, he just wanted to be free I think. I’m not sure though, he never told me why he left.
Probably because I never asked him, or saw him again.

”Ugh but why I’m doing this again?”

I thought to myself. I’m going to miss my bus just because I’m overthinking about something that happened an eternity ago.

That was the night that changed everything though. I was not ready to leave my family’s side back then; I was not ready for our mission to end and for everyone to go their separate ways.

But hey! Look at me now, as I’m walking towards my own apartment, alone in one of the biggest and brightest cities in the world, the wonderful Tokyo, city of Japan.

I’m on my way to the front door of my apartment when I noticed them.
My old teammate and best friend standing in front of me, with a weird look on their faces.
I know Cersi very well by now, considering she’s been my best friend for a long time now.
We reconnected around the world war as we were both in the same city, experiencing the same pain, watching people fight knowing we can stop them but our orders were clear “Don’t interfile in human conflict”.

That was also the time I released how Druig ,oh no I said his name ,let me rephrase this – that was the time I finally understood  how “he who I must not name“ felt .
And that’s when I tried to find him for the first time since he left .I didn’t find him though, but I have bigger things to worry about now , like the fact that Sersi and Sprite have been staring at me and not saying a word for few minutes now.

"I should have called you earlier to tell you that we were coming, I’m sorry "said Sersi

“ Its okay, what’s wrong? You don’t look to happy to be here. ” I said

“We have bad news, we should sit down before we talk”
said Sprite just before she hugged me.
I’m now struggling to unlock the door as I feel their emotions.

“That’s my power, I can’t escape this” I thought to myself but still that doesn’t explain way I’m feeling this much pain, now

I know something really bad happened.

Finally we’re in my living room, sitting on the couch I brought just few weeks ago, when everything was normal.

- “…And now we’re here, Ikaris and Kingo are waiting in the jet. And I know this is a lot of information to process but when you’re ready we’ll have to go” said Sersi.

I haven’t said a word in a while and if I’m honest I don’t know what to say but I can feel the guilt in my heart and the anger filling my mind. I should’ve called Ajak more often. I should’ve known about the deviants. It should’ve been me that got killed and not her.
Because Ajak was good and kind and she was better than everyone else and now
Oh god I don’ know what to say. And I feel this anger at her that I can’t explain. She was probably right not to tell us about our “fake mission” but I can’t help it, I still feel angry towards her.


“Are you going to say something?” asked Sersi as she is still looking at me with her worried face.

“Yep, I’m fine! I’m just going to pack a bag and we’ll be ready to go. Though I have to ask, where are we going next?”

“Our next stop for our family reunion is at Gilgamesh and Thana’s place” said Sprite.

“We are getting the band back together!”


( This is the end of the first chapter, I'll update in a few days, if you notice a spelling mistake or something please comment and let me know how you like the story so far!)

With all my love a🏹
Edited on 16.03.2022

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