Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    As soon as Concubine Hui left, it became Chu Yichuan facing Shen Yuluan. He came to the Imperial Garden to try his luck several times, but now that he really encountered it, he was even more nervous.

    He unconsciously clenched the cuffs of his clothes, and he was afraid that people would see his nervousness, so he quickly released it, but he couldn't help but straighten his back, lest there be a slight rudeness.

    "I... I came out secretly."

    "Suddenly came out?"

    Chu Yichuan said quickly, "Eunuch Fu agreed!"

    Shen Yuluan gave him a sideways look: "Then did you sneak out? Or did you tell Eunuch Fu? Just came out?"

    "Yes... yes..."

    He secretly walked out while Eunuch Fu was resting. But after he put on the chains, Eunuch Fu kept urging him to go out for a walk, he...he listened to Eunuch Fu's words.

    Chu Yichuan's eyes wandered, he was unreasonable and arrogant, he couldn't say anything to explain, and he didn't dare to look at her.

    Shen Yuluan didn't have to ask for a result, she just happened to see Concubine Hui making things difficult for people, helping to clear the siege, and doing her best.

    "If you want to visit the Imperial Garden again, remember to avoid people. If you meet anyone again, I may not be able to help you next time." Even if it is the emperor's own younger brother, but there is another level of identity, not everyone see him.

    Chu Yichuan said in a low voice, his voice was inaudible: "I won't come next time."

    "What?" Shen Yuluan couldn't hear clearly.

    He closed his eyes, raised his head, and raised his voice suddenly, "I want to find the emperor... Huangsao!"

    "Looking for me?" Shen Yuluan and Pearl looked at each other: "What are you looking for me for?

    " My father-in-law said that it was the imperial sister-in-law who saved my life, and... I always wanted to find an opportunity to thank the imperial sister-in-law in person." After Chu Yichuan finished speaking, he felt that thanking him was too casual. If Duke Fu had taught him, he should at least prepare a thank you gift, find a good day and auspicious day, and visit the door solemnly, in order to show his sincerity.

    But in fact, he also thought about it, but he didn't have anything, and the old things in the cold palace were even more difficult to handle, and the new ones were all given by the emperor's sister-in-law. In desperation, he had to come empty-handed.

    Shen Yuluan didn't care about this: "It's just a little effort, and you don't have to take it too seriously." She was repaying her kindness from her previous life. As for her gratitude, she had already received it in her previous life.

    "I... don't know how to repay the Queen's Sister-in-law."

    "I don't need you to repay."


    Shen Yuluan said, "If you have nothing to do, just go back. These days, you are really bad. Walking in the palace, but as long as you wait for a while, just be patient for a while."

    Chu Yichuan opened his mouth, and those dark and bright eyes stared at her for a while, hesitating to say anything, but in the end, in the end Nothing was said. He bowed his head, and responded with some frustration.

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