Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    After being summoned by the emperor, Chu Yichuan handed over the affairs in his hands to others, and hurriedly entered the palace.

    After not seeing him for many days, he didn't seem to have changed much. In front of the emperor, he was still shy and humble. He did do a lot of things recently, but he didn't talk about it with others. When the emperor said it, he was a little embarrassed.

    "Compared to the imperial brother, what I have done is nothing. The minister and brother started to help in the Ministry of Industry. After interacting with other adults, I heard a lot about the emperor from other adults. I heard that the emperor just arrived at the official. I have solved a major case." Chu Yichuan said with admiration: "Compared to the emperor, what I have done is just a child's play, and if I want to take this trivial matter to ask the emperor's brother. It's really embarrassing to praise."     Chu Yuehe said with a gentle expression: "You are still young, so it's really rare to have such a performance. Liu Aiqing has praised you many times in front of me, and you say this, don't you let it go? Liu Aiqing's good intentions were in vain."     Chu Yichuan was very embarrassed, so he shyly accepted these compliments.     "These days, you have worked hard, and it is indeed a lot of effort." Chu Yue said: "Just remember to rest no matter how busy you are. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I haven't sat down and talked for a long time. Tonight. You will rest in the palace and leave tomorrow."     Chu Yichuan could not agree.     He also hadn't entered the palace for a long time. Not only did people come, but he also brought a lot of things, including some for the emperor.     "It's not a rare thing, it's all common outside the palace. It's just that I think that the emperor's brother is in the palace on weekdays, so he shouldn't see these things."     Chu Yuehe smiled happily.     He asked Liang Quan to put it away, and saw that Eunuch Fu still had a lot in his hand.     Chu Yichuan said embarrassedly: "These are all for the imperial sister-in-law."     "I see that you didn't enter the palace, but you gave a lot of things." The piles of miscellaneous books in Chufeng Palace were all Chu Yichuan sent it to the palace. "Why are there so many?"     Chu Yichuan said even more embarrassed.

    "Sister-in-law Huang's birthday is approaching. When I was looking for the birthday gift for Sister-in-law, I was picking and choosing, and I thought everything was good. The birthday gift was chosen, but the others were reluctant to let go, so I simply sent them to Sister-in-law. "

    You're really interested."

    Chu Yichuan lowered his head, revealing a shallow pear vortex on his cheek. "As long as the royal sister-in-law is happy." When the

    gift was delivered to Shen Yuluan, he said these words again.

    However, Shen Yuluan paid attention to another thing: "What birthday gift did you prepare for me?"

    "The birthday gift will naturally wait until the birthday of the emperor's sister-in-law. Say it now, the emperor's sister-in-law won't like it by then." Chu Yichuan avoided her questioning: "No matter how many times the Queen's Wife asks, I won't say anything."

    Shen Yuluan had no choice but to give up.

    But she also likes other gifts. Chu Yichuan understands her preferences and sends them to her heart. Shen Yuluan has seen it the same, and there is more joy on his face. The anxiety about the arrival of the birthday has also been reduced a lot.

    She asked Pearl to put her things away, and went to the kitchen to make a pot of sweet soup herself.

    After the meal, the sweet soup was served. Today is red jujube and pear soup. I used jujubes with thick flesh. Each jujube core was dug out and cut into half, and soft and glutinous white fungus was added. The jujube fragrance is rich and attractive.

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