season two but philbert didnt get a season 2

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Prep looked out his dorm window. He was out of classes because he called in sick and was feeling really out of it. One of the professors came out of the building, stomping into the grass. He recognized him as professor Baldi, the math professor. He was yelling off into the small forest. "SPINNER!!! GET OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN YOU F-SLUR!!!!" Prep recoiled at the window. Professor Baldi is homophobic..? Someone popped out of the forest, it was Professor Spinner.... "What was going on here?" Prep wondered out loud. Professor Spinner was a new professor for the forensic science class and he was from what Prep heard, a really good teacher. It's almost like... He had killed people before. "Oh my god Baldi, you didn't need to call me a slur." Spinner sighed, glaring at Baldi through his dark round glasses. "So... Spinner.... Who's ur crush....??" Baldi twirled his hair as Spinner went bright red. "Baldi, um.. This is really embarrassing for you but, I'm already dating someone... " Spinner stepped back and shrugged. "Sorry." Spinner turned and walked away before Baldi could open his stupid red lips. Baldi stood there for a moment, fuming before falling to the ground and starting to pull out the grass. He was banging his fists on the ground when someone came up behind him. It was Goth...? "Hey, you ok?" Goth asked. Oh how Prep loved that raspy voice. Stop swooning, Prep! This is important. Prep shook his head and continued watching. "No, I'm not okay" Baldi stepped up and turned to Goth. "Ok? I have to go back to my dorm..?" Goth rasped. A moment later there was the sound of keys jangling on the door. Goth is home! Prep ran to lay in the bed and act sick. He was rich enough to buy his way out of being punished for skipping school. "Hey Prep, you doing alright?" Goth set his bags down by the door. Prep fake coughed and said "as best as I can be." And managed a weak smile. He didn't want to be lying to his crush about school, but he really couldn't do it. Goth smiled as he said "I can't tell you're faking." "W-what, no I'm not!!!" Prep stammered. "Oh my god Prep," Goth shook his head, "It's fine. I understand sometimes you just need a break." Prep sighed and looks down sadly. "Hey, wanna cuddle?" Goth asked. Without words Prep laid himself in Goths arms as he whispered sweet nothings. Is this really meant to last? Prep wondered, All good thinks must clone to an end.
"Hey Prep, Do you... Wanna be my Boyfriend?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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