chapter 4

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Your p.o.v

Sasori opened the door to their English class.

"Ah Sasori it's about time you showed up. Oh is this our new student?" A man with spiked up silver hair.

"This is (y/n). I ran into her on the way to school and I thought I would show her to her classes." Sasori said as he flashed a smile at the man.

"Very well. It's nice to meet you Miss (l/n). I am Kakashi Hatake but you can ether call me Mr. Hatake or Kakashi-sensei it's whatever you choose. Since you already know Sasori here you can sit beside him." he said smiling through the blue cloth that covered his mouth.

Sasori took (y/n)'s hand and led her to the back of the class room and sat at a desk beside the window. (y/n) sat down at the desk beside him and got out her note book and started taking notes about the book that Kakashi-sensei was going over.

Sasori's p.o.v

Sasori looked over at the (h/c) girl who was currently taking notes then took out his binder as well but instead of taking notes he started sketching a new puppet while looking out the window every so often. I wonder if i was meant to run into (y/n)... He looked back over at her and smiled then flipped to a new page in his binder and started drawing a snow leopard laying down in snow then he looked back up at the (h/c) and started drawing her laying against the leopard. He would casually look up at her every so often so he could sketch the details of her face. 

He was so into his drawing he didn't notice Kakashi-sensei tell everyone to get a partner to discuss InkHeart among themselves. He also didn't notice the (h/c) girl scoot her desk over to his and look over his shoulder a bit.

"Sasori what are you drawing?" (y/n) asked curiously.

Sasori quickly switched to his puppet sketches blushing a bit. "I-I was working on a new puppet design."

"Oh ok!" she smiled at him. "So were you paying attention to Kakashi-sensei's lesson?"

"No honestly...I got distracted honestly..." He smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well we have a project to do then as well. You wouldn't mind being my partner right?" she asked worriedly looking up at him.

"Of course not have you read InkHeart yet? If not i could lend you my copy. When was the project due?" He asked digging through his backpack getting the book out.

"No I haven't actually. Thank you for letting me borrow it Sasori-kun! And 2 weeks from today that gives me plenty of time." The (h/c) girl said as he handed her his copy of the book.

"Where do you want to do the project at?" He asked leaning back into his seat.

"How about we alternate houses every 2 days? let me write down my address." She pulled out a piece of paper and started writing her address down. "Here you go! please don't lose it."

"I won't I promise." He took the paper from her and put it in his wallet. "I'll text you mine later tonight."

"Okie dokie." (y/n) said as she started to put her things away.

Sasori watched her from the corner of his eye as he packed his things as well.

"Alright class I hope your happy with your partners because you'll be stuck together for the next 2 weeks! Have a good day everyone." Kakashi-sensei said as the bell rang.

"C'mon (y/n) you have history next right?" Sasori said looking at her as she nodded. "I'll walk you to your class and ill leave you in the hands of Konan and she can show you to lunch. ok?"

"Thank you Sasori i really do appreciate this." She said following him out of the room.

"Your welcome now lets go." he smiled at her as they made their way to her next class.

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