A nice day off together!

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A/N: Izuku POV unless said otherwise.

It's been some weeks after the sport's festival and I got to say. Thanks to me standing up to that bastard of a father Shochan has we got closer to each other. Now we were sharing a room together because we nade such a huge scene and threw a tantrum that Aizawa-sensei couldn't do anything else but to let us be together.

Did I love Shochan?

Well duhhh!

How could I not!

Look at his cute dual hair which felt like silk when I thouched it.

Or his dual coloured eyes that reminded me of a husky puppy.

Or how about his sweet and cuddly character?

If you asked me if I was in love with him then I would automatically say this:

Yes I do! In fact I am madly in love with this guy with every fiber of my being.

It would be an understatement saying that even. I love his everything even his hate for his father. That man was nothing but a false hero and I wanted to gift Shochan his freedom. So I've been thinking lately on a various scenarios we could get rid of him. It wouldn't be easy but there were a couple of things we could actually do to achieve that.

I really want to make Shochan happy!

He is doing soo much for me!

He's always there if I need him.

He beats up that damn Pomeranian that I called friend and trains with me so I would be able use it without breaking my bones.

He really cared about my well-being and protects me.

I never had anyone in my live besides my mother to care for me.

Now is my time to do something for him.

I know how much his fathers presence is are shackles of his life.

I really want to set him free.

I wish he could be happy and not need to be reminded of his damn father!

At first I thought about making the LOV capture him and turn him into a nomu but then I was like... If they do that then we need to fight him which isn't the problem but the problem is that he would somehow survive it and the LOV probably don't want something that useless like him anyways.

Next idea was to just get some assassins and make a bounty on his head. Problem here was that a skilled pery could backtrack ot back to us sooo I came up with another another plan which sounded fairly easy and also kinda fun.

I wonder if he will agree to this or not.

I mean I would get rid of his father once and for all.

Me and Shochan were currently laying together on the ground with a lot of cushions and blankets around us. This was what we loved to do in our free time just being together with some snacks cuddeling and enjoying each others embrace. It was really one of the best times of the day.

I love staying like this...

I wonder if I should tell him now or later...

Better now then never I guess besides I am sure he will like the surprise.

Me: Shocchan?

Shoto: Yes Bunny?

Me: If I said I had a plan to get rid of a certain someone on your hitlist how would you feel.

Shoto: I am already happy as it!

Me: But how would you feel?

Shoto: Angry at myself that you need to dirty your hands on something like it.

Me: What if I said there was a way without any of to get our hands dirty?

Shoto: Are you planning on putting a bounty on him? Cause if you do let me tell you it won't work.

Me: No that wouldn't be as efficient.

Shoto: I see....

Me: Soo...I got a plan to get rid of your old man!

Todoroki: .... Let's do it.

Me: You didn't even listen to the plan.

Todoroki: Don't have to! I know it will be brilliant like you!

He suddenly turned around and started kissing my cheek at first but soon this small kiss evolved into a real kiss amd then into a fierce one that left me panting and wanting for more.

Todoroki: Pffff- cute.

Me: Hm?

Todoroki: You don't have to look at me like that and start pouting. I am here and all ears. You got me all night even.

Me: I know.

Todoroki: Soo tell me about your great plan my dear little bunny.

Me: Well you know about your dads reputation as well as me and I thought what about a kid reporting to get kidnapped by a hero?

Shoto: Hahahahahaha!

Me: I am serious Shochan!

Shoto: I know, I know! It's just that the idea alone is so...

Me: What? Ridiculous?

Shoto: No. Just from another level.

Me: Well we know your father is covering his damages and everything he do s with money. There are a lot of people that lost their homes or loved ones thanks to him but it would be a huge scandal as well as something the media would throw themselves at.

Shoto: Just imagine Aizawa when he finds out about it.

Me: I know he will be the one that would soo go after the kids that got kidnapped especially if it's his kids.

Shoto: But I am his son.

Me: But I am not.

Shoto: You are not suggesting to go alone?!

Me: I am. I can cause chaos on his side while you get Aizawa and the media suspicion about him.

Shoto: Sounds like a good plan but let's discuss thos tomorrow!

Just like that he tackled me down into an embrace and startes to hug me very tightly. I knew how much of a cuddling cat he was and accepted my fate of getting cuddled mixed with showerrd with kisses for the rest of the day until we both fell alseep on the floor with all the cushions and blankets. It was very comfy to say the least.

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