The promise!

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I woke up in a hospital with Shochan right at my bed side completly helpless laying there asleep, holding my hand.

I wonder if I should wake him up?


He deserves some rest after what happened!

But seeing him beat up his own father was superb!

I loved it!

Never did I thougth that he could even use his flames that well!

And the ice he used to cool down that piece of shit's wounds!

He has soo many scars now for sure!

Me: Hihihi!

I couldn't help it and a small giggle escaped my lips. Now I could only hope not to interrupt my Shochans sleep but I was dead wrong. He was not only awake because of that but also tackled me into a hug. This hug was sooo godly but also soo stringly tight that I couldn't breath at all. This was how much he loved me and how much he was worried about me. I did deserve that little pain.

Me: Shochan... can't ... breath!

Shoto: Oh sorry bunny!

Me: Hey, I am not dead yet! Why do you have such a long face and that expression on it?

Shoto: No but you nearly died!

Me: ...

Shoto: You gave me a heart-attack! Do you know how worried I was?

Me: I know and I am sorry.

Shoto: If me and Aizawa didn't arrived when we did....

Me: I would have been long gone. I know. I know this was dumb and I am sorry. I promise I will never do this again.

Shoto: You better! My heart can't take it seeing you this hurt ever again!

Me: I won't! Hand on my heart, I will never get myself into such a situation again.

Shoto: ... thank you!

Just like that he finally let go of me only to kiss me and oh boy what akiss this was. I longed for more and it was stealing my breath away. If he thought to escape then he was wrong. I missed this kiss soo much and I deserved it too. So the moment our lips parted I went in for more. All in all it took us some time to seperate and we both were beet red afterward.

Shoto: Soo ahm....

Me: .... how is the trash?

Shoto: Thanks to your plan behind bars for life. Not even money could bail him out.

Me: Aizawa?

Shoto: He went straight to Nezu as far as I know and this is the result.

Me: Wait.. he went to Nezu... for how long was I out cold?

Shoto: A day.

Me: .... I am so sorry I made you worry soo much!

Shoto: From now on we will be together even as heroes, promise me that and we are even.

Me: I promise.

Shoto: RG came over and healed your wounds but said that you needed the rest and that no one should even dare to wake you up.

Me: Typically RG.

Shoto: our class also came to visit you... even that Pomeranian.

Me: I don't need them as long as I have you!

Shoto: Same.

Me: Let's never tell anyone about this!

Shoto: Our little secret, I promise.

Me: yeah me too.

Shoto: Aizawa also doesn't know a thing. I didn't tell him anything and he just assumed stuff. Never corrected him. As for the record we were out on a date and passed Endeavor. He grabbed you, I tried to stop him got hit, you got knocked out and pushed into the trunk and after that we found you nearly strangeled by him also cuffed.

Me: That's what Aizawa said?

Shoto: Yeah he told me I should have called him immediately after you got pushed into the trunk and not try to save you on my own. I also got lectured because of that.

Me: Ohhh....

Shoto: Well that is what the police know but we know it better right!

He was smiling in satisfaction at me and I had also this shit eating grinn on my face too. 

Me: Yup.

Shoto: You should rest some more.

Me: Only if you get your ass into this bed as well and lay beside me.

Shoto: Okay.


I got the jackpod!

Not only did I gave him freedom but I now have a Shochan for life!

I love you!

He came into the bed despite the size and we were cuddling each other. I could tell how tired he was and this was also why I told him to do that. It was clear to me that he didn't sleep much but stayed beside me all the time after they found me till now without a rest or barely some rest. 

Me: Sleep well Shochan. 

Shoto: You too.

We shared one last kiss before both of us dirfted off to sleep emrazing each other tightly and having the warmth of the other as comfort. 


A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoed it too!

A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoed it too!

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