The plan

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The next day was luckily a day off and we both got our breakfast before we headed toward his dads agency. There was no need to delay the plan I came up with. Even though we didn't talked about it for long it was clear to me how much Shochan trusted me and I wanted to do it for him. He deserved soo much more then me. All I could do was try and give him what he deserves.

Shoto: You sure about this?

Me: Yes.

I can't stand you holding back because of your father.

I know you hate your fire quirk side but thankfully you are using it.

Still I can see the pain in your eyes!

Tou are terrified of the flames which are soo beautiful!

They are different!

I know how many times I td you that but it still didn't get to you and I will continue to say this.

They are warm and I love them,

I live everything about you!

This is the only other way to make you finally let go off the pain.

I will give you and your family the freedom you guys deserve!

So yes I am sure!

I don't need even a second to think about this twice!

This is all for you!

Please just please Shochan stop hating a part of you that belongs to you and no one else!

Shoto: Okay this is the car.

Me: You got the keys?

Shoto: Yes. You really sure about this?


My chance to pay you back for all the love you are giving me!

I nodded to him in response and he only sighted before u locking the car.

Me: You got some tape and cuffs?

Shoto: Yeah I took them from my father.

Since when?!

I only told you about this yesterday...

Don't tell me you had something else in mind eith them...

Don't get in trouble Shochan!

He isn't eorth it!

Nor is Bakugo!

Me: The better. Now can you do it?

He opened the car's trunk and I climbed in. In order to make this all believeavble I made Bakugo angry this morning so that he went after me and now I had thrid degree burns. Now climbing in that trunk I took down the bandages and looked at Shochan who looked soo hurt and worried about me.

Me: Don't worry I'll be on my phone texting you soon.

He slowly started to cuff me and tape me down so that it looked belieable. It was a crazy idea and as crazy as it was it could work out perfectly fine. However I knew that I hurt Shoto withwhat I was doing since I basically put myself into danger. Personally... I didn't had anything again that but I knew Shoto did had something against that. Me and ny non existent preservation skills... Well they exist but not in me. Shoto is now taking care of me and since I needed to be hurt for this it pained him seeing me like this and it pained me even more knowing I made him feel bad.

It's okay!

It will be iver soon!

Don't worry about me!

Please just smile!

I'll be free very soon!

Don't cry Shochan!

I won't die!

Shoto: Just be careful!

Me: I will! After this I won't leave your side! I promise I won't do something like this ever again.

Shoto: I hate that you needed to anger that angry ass Pomeranian.

Me: Kacchan isn't that bad.

Shoto: You're right! He is the worst!

Me: Oh come on. He is doing us a favor this time.

Shoto: He still hurt you.

Me: I let him hurt me.

Shoto: And I hate that!

Me: I am fine!

I smiled at him and we could hear Endeavour coming. His annoying voice was louder than Mics when he tried to get out attention and just in time Shoto closed the trunk but not before giving me a quick kiss. Now I was completely on my own with tape around my mouth, a cloth around my eyes and aome tape around my ankels as well. It took some time to get off the tape around my hands which were only done losely enough for me to get out with force.

Okay this will do!

Plus I won't stay in here for long thanks to your kiss!

I want more!

You're soo mean to kiss me and then let me be!

While I was doing that I could hear Shoto and his father talking and I instantly regretted being in here and not being able to punch that guy in his face.

End-a-hoe: Son what are you doing here!

Shoto: Don't call me like that!

End-a-hoe: Here I thought you finally came to your senses.

Shoto: No. I was just passing by.

End-a-hoe: It's time to stop your nonsense! Come back home and leafe that weak partner of yours behind. I won't have a son linke you! I will not tolerate it!

How about you shut up and let him be alone!

He doesn't need you.

We don't need you,

In fact no one needs you in this world!

Shoto: Who said I am your son. Bold of you to assume that sperm donor!

End-a-hoe: Shoto! *Smack* I am telling you right now that this good for nothing greenette is only teaching you dumb shit! !

Shoto: He is my boyfriend deal with it or nor! I don't care!

After that I could hear another sound and the car shook lightly. I could tell that the hero just threw Shoto against it. Not only that but the cars inside was starting to get cold which means that Shoto was using his quirk on his father.


I want to get out and kill him!

How dare he hit my boyfriend!

How can he hit such an angel of a son!

Be will definitely regret this!

I'll make him regret it!

Shochan please be okay!

A/N: For the Tododeku shippers!

A/N: For the Tododeku shippers!

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