911...What's your emergency?

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Not long after Shoto left Endeavor, the hero left his car alone. At first he went in and drove to who knows where but by that time I had already my habds free enough to grab my phone and dailed 911 thr moment the hero left the car.

911: 911 What's the emergency?

Ahm not really an emergency but somehow it is an emergency!

Either way it's not important right now.

What is important is to get that damn hero out of commission!

So what's my emergency?!

Well... You see....

We have a freaking fake hero on the lose and need to put him in place if you know what I mean!

And you will help me to get rid of him!

I mean he doesn't have to die just locked up for good and for the rest of his life!

Me: Help... I am stuck in a car trunked!

911: Calm down Sir. Can you tell me where you are?

The hell?!

Didn't I just said I was in a trunk! How should I know where I am?!

Seriously how?!

What an idiot!

Me: I don't know.

At this point I started fake sobbing so that it would seem like I was panicking even more. Now only was I completely sweaty since it was hot in here but I also don't get much fresh air inside. It was stuffy and I hated it in here. BUT for the sake of my beloved Shochan I will not endure this.

911: Calm down Sir. Can you tell me your name?

Me: Izuku...

911: Okay can I call you Izu? My name is Lucinder.

Me: Yeah... Sure... Please just help me out! It's dark in here!

Why would you be interested in my name?

You stupid or something?!

I mean nice try to calm me down but please just get me a pro on the pho e!

Or I have a better idea!

Why not ask me how I got in here or who did it!

911: Izu can you tell me how you got there?

Ah yeah sure!

You see....

Shochan and I want to get his father in jail!

Soo I came up withthis idea!

Now can you please shut up and get to the point?!

You know...

Call a hero!

Now as for what I'll tell you....

How about he kidnapped me?!

Me: I just wanted an autograph!

Now I fake cried even more. Seriously how stupid could I be to come up with that reason but I believe that when I say something even more stupid the woman on the other side might believe me.

Me: He told me I was a villain... *Sob* then grabbed me *Hic* and... And... And threw me in here!

Wow my acting really is good.

I might even fool that truth telling detective at this point!

I think I got into the wrong business!

I should have went for an actor instead of a hero...


Just kidding!

911: Oh my god! You are not a villain kiddo! Don't think like that. Tell me who did this to you?

Aww thank you!

But in this case you night describes what I am doing as villainous but hey I am saving a lot of people this way!

He is a danger for everyone abd himself!

He needs to be put out of commission!

I am just doing the hero society a big favor!

Me: Endeavor.


Ahm hello?

Why so silent all of the sudden?

911: That motherfucker! I swear fto god I'll kill that bitch personally! Who in the world does he think he is! He doesn't even know how much phone calls we get thanks to him!


I was right to assume that the 911 line hates him with all the collateral damge h does!

Not only that but also attacks random people on the street to get to the villain!

This was a good plan after all!

Me: Ma'am-

911: Just Lucy for short is enough.

Me: Lucy... Can you please call a number for me and connect me to it? I can't really see my phones contact and dailing 911 was rhe closest I could do.

911: Of course kiddo. Just tell me the number.


This is epic!

Now I will let 911 call Aizawa and he will be doing the rest of the work!

This plan is going on pretty smoothly!

Really smoothly!

A/N: I was kinda taged... more like dared to do this. This is the best me I could make in Picrew.

Anyone who is up for this challange, show me your best you! Consider yourself taged XD

Here is the link  for the challange: (also in the comments available) 


And here is a Tododeku again for all the shippers out there!

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And here is a Tododeku again for all the shippers out there!

And here is a Tododeku again for all the shippers out there!

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911... A hero kidnapped me!Where stories live. Discover now